Use experience of SCHALI® products


  • General

    • Can the product or product ingredients cause allergic reactions?
      The product is hypoallergenic. Product ingredients cause no allergic reactions. However, persons prone to heat intolerance are strongly recommended to consult their attending doctor.
      After application of the product, skin in contact site is reddish – why does it happen?
      In contact to the product, naturally warm human skin (no product ingredients penetrate into the skin) triggers heat response which may cause a local blood inflow. Both blood inflow and improved blood circulation in site of application may sometimes result in visible reddening of the skin. It’s recommended not to apply products to the same site continuously.
      Why skin is sticky after the product removal?
      Some traces of the fixing glue may remain on the skin after the product removal. The glue is hypoallergenic and fully safe. You can easily remove glue traces with warm water and soap.
      Product’s pad turns its colour to white and rises slightly during application - why does it happen?
      Hydrocolloid pad is breathable, it also protects your skin from damage, dirt and water. Water surplus is accumulated in the hydrocolloid pad and result in white colour and volume increase, but it has no impact on quality of the product.
      Sometimes, while using the product, I feel itch - why does it happen and is it dangerous?
      In contact to the product, naturally warm human skin (no product ingredients penetrate into the skin) triggers heat response which may cause a local blood inflow, resulting in feeling of itch. Blood circulation will be normalized and feeling of itch will cease quickly – no auxiliary means are needed.
      I felt nothing after application of the product. Should I go on with application?
      Response to the product is individual and depends on health condition generally and in particular on condition of the serotonin balance. Sometimes you may feel nothing special after application of the product, but it doesn’t mean that the product is not effective to you. It’s recommended to complete the course of application, even to healthy, active and fit persons. Instrumental diagnostic methods will help to determine the effect.
      I had an unpleasant feeling after application of the product. Why did it happen and what should I do?
      Unpleasant feeling after the first contact to the product is mostly noticed by people predisposed to serotonin imbalance and to malfunction of serotonin-regulated organs and systems. Blood inflow in site of application may cause some reddening of the skin, feeling of warm, itch, and even slight giddiness. As a rule, all those symptoms will cease after a short time. In case of dramatic change for the worse, the product shall be removed. If you try the product in 30 min again, you may feel no more unpleasant symptoms or such unpleasant symptoms may be barely noticeable. Severe individual reaction even after numerous applications (3-5) of the product may be caused by health disorders generally or serotonin imbalance in particular – in that case it’s strongly recommended to consult your attending doctor.
      Following the application instruction, I used the product on VII. jugular. Then I felt tired, though it was written that that acupoint on the neck-bone should boost energy. Why did it happen?
      Response to the product is individual and depends on health condition generally and on condition of the serotonin balance in particular. Feeling of fatigue in your case may reflect some disorders in your health condition (e.g. Burnout syndrome), which may require a regular treatment or which may be successfully relieved as soon as you completed the product application course. It’s recommended to continue using the product to improve your general state and restore serotonin balance. After completion of the application course you will feel fit and vigorous again.
      How many products shall I apply at the same time?
      Recommendations on application of the product depend on indication and are specified in the Application Instruction. Generally, it’s recommended to apply 2-3 products at the same time. In some cases, 5-7 products may be applied at the same time.
      Can I wear the product overnight?
      It’s recommended not to remove the product while sleeping, overnight.
      How long may I use the product?
      You may use the product as long as 7 days, then the product has to be removed and replaced with a new one. It’s strongly prohibited to use the product continuously in open wounds, scratches and other injuries.
      Can I take shower or bath, if I use the product?
      Yes, you can. The product is waterproof and resistant to temperature drop. You also can enjoy alternating douche. It’s prohibited to wear the product in solarium.
      May I bathe in the sea etc. and lie in the sun, while using the product?
      It’s not recommended to sunbathe for a long time, if you use the product. You may bathe in the sea or in the river, and you also may make boating or enjoy water sports without restriction.
      Can I tear or cut the product in parts, if I wish to apply them to smaller sites?
      The product can be cut into smaller parts for use in intact skin surfaces only. Please note, that you destroy sterility of the product by cutting it into parts. Besides, by cutting the product in parts, capability of proper fixing is significantly reduced and therefore durability of the product will be lower.
      I follow my prescribed course of drug therapy. What if the product is incompatible to my prescribed drugs? If I feel the effect from the product, shall I change dose of or cancel my prescribed drugs?
      You have to consult your attending doctor for application of the product in case of acute and/or complicated conditions. In other cases, the product may be combined with your prescribed drugs. Please note, that the product is capable of a strong synergistic effect in combination with therapeutical agents. Therefore, your attending doctor may need to correct or cancel your drugs dose.
      How can I apply the product against two or more disorders? Which acupoints shall I use it in?
      In case of application of the product for 2 and more indications, you may first select the disorder you mostly suffer from. Apply the product to those acupuncture points which are specified for the indication you selected. Normalized serotonin balance will have a beneficial therapeutic effect to your general health condition.
      What is the difference between points in the Acupuncture scheme? Why they are marked with figures?
      For easy reference, Acupuncture points specified in the Scheme correspond to the International Classification of Acupuncture Points and have description on the method of use.
      If I’m going to apply two products to the same acupoint, how shall I attach them to the skin?
      For better result, you may apply 2 products to the same acupuncture point. Actually, you apply both products close to each other in site of the acupuncture point.
      If I take acupuncture treatments, shall I correct or cancel my current acupuncture course?
      You may use the product in acupuncture sites and in sites of other reflexotherapy applications. The product exerts a strong synergistic effect in combination with acupuncture treatments, that’s why your healthcare specialist may need correct your course of acupuncture treatment.
      Does the product use require a regular health check?
      If you use the product next to traditional therapeutic agents, you have to visit your attending doctor as usually. Your attending doctor may need to correct dose of your therapeutic drugs based on your regular health checks data.
      After application of the product to the acupoints specified in the Application Instruction, I also noticed the effect to other organs. Why did it happen?
      The product exerts a strong effect on function of human serotonin receptors. Therefore beneficial effect is noticeable in all those organs and systems, in regulation of which serotonin – as main human neurotransmitter – is involved.
      I noticed a clear effect from the product, but when I removed the product, the effect was gone soon. Why did it happen and what should I do next?
      Duration of application course depends on individual response: on health condition generally and on serotonin balance in particular. In case of effect discontinuation, it’s recommended to take a three months application course.
      May I apply the product to painful sites without following Scheme of acupoints?
      You may use the product in painful sites directly (bruise, livid spots, injury, wound, scratch etc.).
      May I use the product in open wounds?
      The product is sterile and may be used in open wounds and injuries. The product may be also applied along the surgical suture in case of postsurgical rehabilitation following the Application instruction.
      Can we use HMP SCHALI® plasters in kids and if so, then from what age?
      HMP SCHALI® medical product may be used in children of the age 3 and older, it is intended to normalize hormonally-induced behaviour in kids and teenagers, and has a beneficial effect to integral functions (behaviour, sleep, memory, nutrition habits etc.) during period of intensive growth. Read Application Instruction carefully, before applying plasters in kinds.
  • General

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  • General

  • H1120/80 + Heart rate

    • Can I use your plaster as a remedy against heart attack?
      Please immediately contact your attending doctor if you have pathological cardiac disturbances. Medical plaster НМР SCHALI -120/80 Heartrate exerts a strong stabilizing effect against tachycardia symptoms in case of emotional stress, excitement, panic attack, and physical action. Besides, medical plaster НМР SCHALI -120/80 Heartrate has a strong synergistic effect in combination with prescribed medications in therapy of organic myocardium injury, myocarditis, chronic ischemia, anxiety disorder etc.
      Can I apply SCHALI plaster next to prescribed hypertonic drugs?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI -120/80 Heartrate exerts a strong synergistic effect in combination with hypertonic drugs. However, it’s not recommended to alter the dose of your prescribed drugs without asking your attending doctor.
      Can SCHALI plaster help in raising blood pressure, if my pressure is usually as low as 90/65 and I often feel weakness?
      Application of medical plaster НМР SCHALI -120/80 Heartrate to acupuncture points in accordance with the Application Instruction can help you in restoring your energy exchange and activating energy points which will result in normalization of blood pressure and stabilization of your blood flow.
    • 1
      User S., age 66.
      Arterial hypertension 2, risk III was diagnosed 11 years ago. Massive headache turned my stomach. I also had heart pains. I often was in hospital and took drugs regularly. Six months ago, I used SCHALI plaster for one course and since that time I feel well. I take no more medications.
      User I., age: 36.
      Hypertonia. My job is quite stressful, but I’m not going to quit. I used the SCHALI plaster for three consecutive days and felt me not so short-tempered as before, and my blood pressure was quite OK. So I’ll keep wearing the plaster.
      User B., age 53.
      Hypertonia progressed, I suffered from rapid heart and even felt buzzing in my ears. Once I was hospitalized. But as soon as I was released from the hospital, all my complaints came back. I regularly took medicines. I used to wear SCHALI plaster, after 2 days I felt significantly better. No more headaches. After one month course we registered a normal blood pressure. I felt more vital powers. Three months passed since I completed that course, but my pressure was quite normal.
      User M, age 41.
      My blood pressure was always rather low, 90/70, and I felt me weak and got tired very quickly. I also used to take Eleutherococcus and Ginseng preparations etc. After one month of SCHALI plaster course I felt more active, more powers, my blood pressure rose. I’ll keep wearing plaster for sure.
  • H2Hypertension

    • How long shall I apply your plaster in case of arterial hypertension?
      You are recommended to apply medical plaster НМР SCHALI –Arterial Hypertension in accordance with the Application Instruction for 14 to 30 days to normalize your blood pressure and to stabilize general condition.
      Can I use SCHALI plaster together with other prescribed hypertonic drugs?
      Application of the medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Arterial Hypertension has a significant synergistic effect in combination with hypertonic drugs. Please note, any change in your prescribed therapy or its cancellation may be done by your attending doctor only.
    • 1
      User L., b.y. 1955.
      Diagnosis: symptomatic arterial hypertension II. , risk group 3. Symptoms of pressure jumps, weakness, giddiness, low efficiency came long ago. As it changed for the worse I applied SCHALI plaster to my wrist. Blood pressure got normal. Then I decided to take a month course of SCHALI plaster and after one month my blood pressure was absolutely normal and I felt much better. 4 months later my blood pressure remains normal.
      User J., age 65.
      Last 12 years I have been suffering from high blood pressure. I was often in hospital and took prescribed drugs. My pressure decreased, but then jumped high again. One week after application of SCHALI plaster I began to feel better. I took one month course and my blood pressure got normalized. After one month I decided to repeat the course and for about half a year after that second course I have no more complaints and take no drugs.
      User I., age 41.
      Hypertonic disease was detected three years ago. Very stressful job. Acute headaches made me sick. I took a lot of medications. Then I started using medical products SCHALI – Arterial hypertension for one month under the application scheme. Now it’s about six months as I quit taking medications and have no more complaints. My efficiency in the office increased as well.
      User B., age 63.
      Since 20 years I have heavy hypertension II, risk 3, Ischemia, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. I spent a lot of time in cardiac clinics and took a plenty of drugs. Two days after application of SCHALI plaster I felt much better. No more headaches. After a two months course my blood pressure got normalized and I felt more powers. 3 months ago I completed my course and I still have no more complaints.
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  • N6Headache, migraine

    • I’ve been suffering from migraine since 3 years. 6 months ago, migraine attacks became stronger. Is SCHALI® plaster effective against migraine?
      You have a chronic condition. HMP SCHALI® medical plasters have a good therapeutic potential. You are recommended to have 4 HMP SCHALI® courses throughout the year. After one week of application, you will feel better.
      I’ve been taking analgesics against headache since two years. Can I replace analgesics with HMP SСHALI® plaster?
      Regular application of HMP SCHALI® medical plaster will relieve your headache, so that hopefully you’ll need no more analgesics soon.
      Can I use SCHALI® plasters to improve my low concentration of attention?
      HMP SCHALI® is capable of promoting both attention and power of concentration by improving human serotonin balance.
      I’ve been suffering from regular migraine attacks over 6 years. Can I heal my migraine, if not all courses of SCHALI® treatment are completed as they have to be following the Application Instruction?
      After the first course of HMP SCHALI® application, you may experience general improvements, rarer happening migraine attacks and lower pain intensity. In case of chronic migraine conditions, you are recommended to take a 3 month application course.
    • 1
      User B.L., age 57
      About 10 years ago I experienced first migraine attacks. I laid in hospital and visited my doctor regularly. I also took prescribed medications. I began applying SCHALI® plaster to acupuncture points as written in the Application Instruction following the scheme of application and I felt really better. Migraine attacks became less painful and happened rare. Insomnia was also gone. General feeling was great.
      User I.Y., age 64
      I regularly used to take analgesics against headaches, but they helped for a short time only. Then I tried SCHALI® medical plaster and headaches were relieved, even no more headaches after exercises and stress.
      User P.G., age 51
      I have been taking analgesics against headache for ages. I suffer from allergy and may take selective medications only. Next to my analgesics I used to apply SCHALI® medical plaster to acupuncture points in accordance with the application scheme. Headache was quickly gone, then I quit pills and started applying SCHALI® plaster regularly. As long as 6 months I have no more complaints.
      User C.V., age 49
      Since a long time I have massive headaches and take medications, sometimes without success. I also have osteochondritis complaints. SCHALI® medical plaster relieved pains in neck-bone. I took one month SCHALI® course and had no more headaches. I completed the course 4 months ago.
      User K.B., age 43
      I have regular headaches for six years. Sometimes painkillers do not help any more. Course of HMP SCHALI® relieved headaches for a couple of months.
      User L.A., age 45
      Migraine (no aura) was diagnosed 7 years ago. Regular attacks one or two times a month. Sometimes for a couple of hours, but sometimes for several days. Pains were localized just on one side, significantly intensified after stress. Annoying response to light. 2 months long (totally 15 days throughout the month followed with a 2-weeks break) I applied SCHALI® medical plaster to different acupuncture points in accordance with the Application Instruction. After the course of treatment pain attacks became rarer and less intensive.
      User M.E., age 50
      Migraine (associated aura) over 10 years. Attacks came once in two months and lasted for 4 hours averagely. One-sided, pulsating pains, prodrome phase and aura came one hour before the attack. 6 months long, I applied SCHALI® medical plaster in courses to different acupuncture points as a part of my complex therapy (50/50). After the first course of SCHALI® treatment, pains alleviated. After six months of SCHALI® treatment I felt the full relief. For almost 14 months, I take no more pain-killers.
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  • General

  • P1Bruise

    • Can I use SCHALI® plaster against aches in knees?
      You can use HMP SCHALI® against pains and swellings. Please follow provisions of the Application Instruction carefully.
      How effective is HMP SCHALI® medical plaster against pains and swellings?
      HMP SCHALI® can quickly relieve pains and swellings, significantly accelerating reparative processes in tissues.
      My thigh-muscle has been struck and since then pains are noticeable when I walk around. How soon can I feel relief after application of SCHALI® plaster?
      HMP SCHALI® medical plaster is intended to relieve pains and swellings in a short time, significantly accelerating reparative processes in tissues. So, you can feel the effect within 30 min.
      I regularly use a warming ointment in my forearm. Are there any contraindications for SCHALI® plaster in that case?
      There are no contraindications. Please make sure that your ointment is fully absorbed in the skin before you apply HMP SCHALI® medical plaster. Ointment traces on the skin may hinder in fixing the plaster properly.
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      User D.N., age 22
      I hurt my leg in a sport competition and felt acute aches, then I noticed a swelling. Aches relieved 15 min after application of SCHALI® plaster and after a couple of hours the swelling was also gone.
      User H.I., age 30
      I hurt my hip when I did stockpiling. My hip was black and blue and pained. Pain brought on by moving the hip. Within a couple of hours after application of SCHALI® plaster I felt better, swelling and pains alleviated. After a couple of days livid spots were gone too.
      User A.K., age 21
      After a hit, my leg became swollen and pained. I used HMP SCHALI® plaster for a couple of hours and pains relieved quickly. The swelling was reduced, too.
      User M.V., age 31
      Forearm contusion. HMP SCHALI ® relieved my pains after one hour. Swelling was gone. By the end of the day I felt absolutely no pains in my forearm.
      User T.Y., age 34
      I hurt my hip during construction works. HMP SCHALI® plaster helped me after 2 hours of application and I could continue my work.
  • S1Sport

    • Can I improve my sport achievements by using HMP SCHALI - Sport?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Sport targetly improves serotonin balance which results in faster homeostasis restoration, improving regenerative processes and vital functions. It’s crucial to professional athletes who has persistent physical exercise for that helps to keep them protected from overloading and traumas. Besides, well-balanced serotonin level is also helpful in improving brain functions by normalizing metabolic processes and blood supply in tissues, restoring blood circulation in problem sites, releasing from pain syndromes, muscular tension and pain.
      Can I apply your plaster on a bruise site treated before with freezing spray?
      If you already treated your problem site with any medication, please wait until local action of that medication is over, remove traces of the medication from the skin and then apply medical plaster НМР SCHALI - Sport.
      Can I use SCHALI plaster in case of fixing band over a dislocation site?
      You are recommended to apply medical plaster HMP SCHALI-Sport directly to a damaged site and then use your fixing band as usually.
      Can I apply SCHALI-Sport plaster under fixing sports tape?
      You are recommended to apply medical plaster HMP SCHALI-Sport under a sports tape, if tape width allows you to fix both products properly. If sports tape is too narrow and can’t overlap HMP SCHALI-Sport, it's better to remove medical plaster and fix your tape carefully. You can proceed with wearing medical plaster HMP SCHALI-Sport after sports tape is removed.
    • 1
      User D., age 27.
      I hurt my left foot in a competition. Locally: swelling, pains. 3 hours after application of SCHALI pain was gone and swilling reduced. Full recovery on the second day.
      User D., age 22
      I began to feel depleted after trainings, and was totally jaded next morning. My trainer was dissatisfied and I was strung-up. Actually, there were no extra stress. I started to apply НМР SCHALI – Sport and did it during one month in accordance with the Application Instruction. I felt vigour again, felt powers and my achievements improved. Two months after that course I still feel fit. My concentration improved, I feel me active and powerful again.
      Athlete A., age 21.
      My leg was hurt in a competition, became swollen and painful. I applied SCHALI plaster and after 2 hours swelling reduced and pain was gone.
      Athlete T., age 42.
      I sprained my wrist in power lifting training. My wrist was swollen and ached. New medical product НМР SCHALI – Sport was applied to the wrist and pain was gone after a couple of hours. I didn’t remove the plaster and applied two new plasters to my back in accordance with the Application Instruction and kept wearing one month long. I began feel better, more powerful. I completed my course 2 months ago and recognized that even my old loins injury did not ache any more.
  • S2Professional Sport (Football)

    • Can HMP SCHALI - Football be helpful in faster recovery after intensive trainings?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Professional (Football) is intended to keep professional athletes, who has persistent physical exercises, protected from overloading and traumas. Well-balanced serotonin level helps in accelerating homeostasis restoration, strengthening general regenerative processes and vital functions. Besides, normalization of serotonin level contributes to better metabolic processes in tissues, faster blood supply to problem sites, and release from pain syndromes, muscular tension and aches.
      Can SCHALI plaster be classified as a doping agent?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI –Professional (Football) is not a doping agent. Ingredients do not penetrate into the skin. Therefore, nor plaster ingredients enter blood flow, neither they are utilized in the body.
      How can SCHALI plaster help in accelerating recovery after fractures?
      Well-balanced serotonin level acts as a regulating factor to bone mass, and therefore plays an important role in fracture healing. Besides, normalized serotonin level contributes to better metabolic processes in tissues, to faster blood supply to problem sites, which results in less local manifestations of inflammation and congestion. Rebalanced serotonin level can damp degeneration processes in bone tissue, reduce inflammation in gristly tissues, synovitis, and capsulitis. For more details please read Application Instruction to medical plaster HMP SCHALI- Professional (Football).
  • S3Professional (Ballet)

    • Can HMP SCHALI help to improve my physical condition in case of intensive physical exercises?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Professional (Ballet) is developed for professional dancers who has persistent physical trainings in order to provide them better protection and prevention from traumas and professional diseases. Well-balanced serotonin level results in faster homeostasis restoration and strengthening general regenerative and vital functions. Besides, normalized serotonin level contributes to improving metabolic processes and blood supply in tissues, releasing from pains and tensions in muscles.
      Can SCHALI plaster be used on a blown-out blister?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Professional (Ballet) is a sterile product and may be applied directly to open wounds, injuries and other damaged skin sites.
      Can SCHALI plaster release from cramps and muscular spasms?
      By re-balancing serotonin level, medical plaster HMP SCHALI- Professional (Ballet) contributes to better metabolic processes and blood supply in tissues, resulting in less local inflammation and congestion sites. Besides, normal blood and oxygen supply in muscles helps to release from muscular hyper tone and spasms, also reducing congestion and inflammation sites, improves blood and lymph circulation, and removes toxins from muscles.
  • General

  • N1Antistress

    • Last 6 months I fell me out of energy, I can’t concentrate on my job and work efficiently as I used to do. Can SCHALI® plaster help me?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI - Antistress will help you in restoring your normal serotonin level and improving both your physical and mental activities. We recommend you to apply Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI - Antistress to acupuncture points in accordance with the Application Instruction during at least one month.
      I noticed, that I became more aggressive. Why is it happened to me?
      Your symptoms may stand for high serotonin level. We recommend you to have a whole course of Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI - Antistress in accordance with the Application Instruction.
    • 1
      User U.L., b.y. 1969.
      Neurasthenia. I always got tired very quickly, felt petulant and sluggish. Never could be hard-working and suffered from dull mood, poor sleep and bad appetite. I started to apply medical product SCHALI (Antistress) to acupuncture points for maintaining general tone during 30 days in a three months course, with a 2 weeks break. I felt me better and I felt vigour. Four months after that course I feel me healthy, I always have good mood and see the world positively.
      User I, age 36.
      Some months ago, I had a car accident and since then I used to have panic attacks, my mood was very unstable. I also had crying jags. Even my face became reddish. Blood pressure was 190/95, nervous tremor. I took a lot of medications, but they could not help me really. I tried SCHALI (Antistress) plaster and after one week I felt me much better. My doctor cancelled my medications and after one month I fully recovered.
      User N., age 38.
      I felt me totally stressed after I was attacked by hooligans. High blood pressure. I was easily irritable, couldn’t clam down, then rapid heart and sleeplessness came. I became shaky hands, when I was excited. I got sedatives prescribed, but I didn't want to take them a long time. My doctor allowed me to combine sedatives and SCHALI (Antistress) plaster. My blood pressure decreased and I also felt me better. I quit sedatives very quickly, and kept using plaster for one month.
      User Y., age 47.
      After a brawl, I felt me boiling over with rage. No sedatives helped. Then I applied plaster SCHALI (Antistress) and after a couple of hours I felt much better. Aggressive behaviour was soon over, after one week I felt quite well.
      User N.M., b.y. 1952.
      Several years I suffered from insomnia. I hardly could fall asleep, had tumultuous dream. I had no good night’s rest, and felt burnt out. Then I started applying SCHALI (Antistress) plaster on my foot for 10 days. In a couple of days, I was able to fall asleep normally. After the whole course I began to sleep well. 9 months I have been feeling well, have no complaints, even no headaches.
  • N3Sleep Comfort

    • How long shall I wear SCHALI® medical plaster against insomnia, weakness in the morning and low energy in the day time?
      Depending on your individual condition and associated disorders you may need to apply medical plaster HMP SCHALI – Comfort Sleep within 14 days to 3 months.
      I’m often absent-minded, because I’m totally concentrated on my own thoughts and feelings. Can SCHALI® plaster help me?
      Following your question, you have no problems with sleep, but you suffer from imaginary distraction. Medical plaster НМР SCHALI - Antistress will help you to restore and to normalize your serotonin balance. You will feel better from the first day of application of НМР SCHALI - Antistress to acupuncture points following the Application Instruction. We recommend you to apply НМР SCHALI - Antistress for at least one month.
      Can SCHALI® plaster help me against bad sleep?
      You are recommended to apply medical plaster НМР SCHALI – Sleep Comfort for at least one month to normalize your emotional state and to restore your normal sleeping.
    • 1
      User H.M., b.y. 1952.
      Insomnia for a couple of years. Badly falling asleep, tumultuous dream. Low vital powers. I began to apply medical plaster SCHALI as written in the application instruction for 10 days. After three days my dream improved. After the whole course my dream was completely normal. Almost 9 months I feel great, no complaints, even no headache.
      User I., age 42.
      I’m security officer. Six months ago a new schedule was introduced with night and day shifts interchanged. Since then I have sleep disruption. I could fall asleep only after a taken sleeping-draught. My healthcare professional advised to find a new job, which was not a solution to me. I tried medical product HMP SCHALI - Sleep Comfort and felt better. After one week, I felt more powers. I quit sleeping-draught. I also felt more attentive and careful. I applied medical plaster for one month. One month after the first course I still feel great. I have no more stress with my job, I stared to go in for sport, which I didn’t practise before because of poor energy.
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  • General

  • A1Pains in joints

    • Can I use SCHALI plaster against arthritis in knee-joint?
      We recommend you to have a one month course of Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI –Antiarthritis in case of chronic arthritis forms to cure limited mobility in knee-joint. In a couple of days you will notice less pains and swelling.
      How shall I use SCHALI plaster against osteochondritis, if I often have headaches and fell dumbness in my hands and arms etc.?
      Please follow the Application Instruction and apply several pieces of НМР SCHALI –Antiarthritis to acupuncture points and painful sites to remedy against bad attack of osteochondritis in cervical spine. We recommend you to have a whole course of Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI –Antiarthritis.
      Can I use SCHALI plaster next to my prescribed medications against goat, acute arthritis (I. metatarsophalangeal joint), if it is swollen and t (38°С)?
      Next to your prescribed medications you can apply Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI – Antiathritis to both acupuncture points and painful sites in accordance with the Application Instruction. Regular application of Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI – Antiarthritis will show a clear synergistic effect and result in faster normalization of your joints condition.
    • 1
      User Y.L., age 45.
      Almost 5 years I suffer from primary deformative osteoarthritis, Insufficient joint functions II grade. Joints are inflexible, massive pains after movement, swellings and sometimes even reddening of the skin above joints. I applied SCHALI plaster for 3 days. General state became better, pain and swellings were gone. Joints became more flexible and I felt more powers.
      User P., age 49.
      Gout, acute arthritis in metatarsal-phalangeal joint of the big toe, urolithiasis (urinary stones in both kidneys). Recurrent attacks of inflammatory arthritis—a red, tender, hot T38°С, and swollen joint, especially at night, so that I could not sleep at all. I used to apply SCHALI plaster to my toe and it helped within 20 min. After 3 days there were no more swelling, redness, hot, and pain.
      User I.B., age 48.
      Cervical spine osteoarthrosis. Often headaches, cervical pains, hands grow numb. After 3 days of НМР SCHALI (Joint pains) application, all my complaints were fully gone. One month long I have no more pains.
      User A.D., age 53.
      Cervical spine osteochondritis. Irregular nagging and lancinating pains, irradiating into shoulder-blade. Headache, arms grow numb and cold. 15 min after application of SCHALI plaster to VII neck-bone I felt better, relieved pain, less numbness, and after 3 days of application I had no more headache, could feel my arms normally, had neither nagging nor lancinating pains. Since one month I have no more problem with my neck.
  • A2Pains in knees

    • How long shall I apply HMP SCHALI® in case of knees injury (light form of OSD – Osgood-Schlatter Disease)?
      We recommend to rest your damaged knee (s) after injury for a few days. You also have to follow recommendations of your attending doctor. You can apply HMP SCHALI® medical plaster during a 7 days course.
      I used HMP SCHALI® against chronic pains in my right knee joint for 2 days. Shall I go on with using the plaster, if pains are already relieved?
      In chronic conditions, you are recommended to apply HMP SCHALI® in a 1-2 months course for better therapeutic effect.
      My right leg was injured, so that I experienced swelling and pain. How soon can HMP SCHALI® recover my injury?
      HMP SCHALI® medical plaster will relieve your pain and swelling within one hour after application. You are recommended to apply HMP SCHALI® for 2 to 3 days to get a full recovery.
      Can I use SCHALI® plaster, if I follow a special goat diet?
      You can apply HMP SCHALI® medical plaster without any restrictions. Please follow provisions of the Application Instruction carefully.
      One week ago, I injured my knee, so that a hematoma occurred. Now swelling is less, but the knee is still painful. Can SCHALI® plaster relieve my pains and how soon?
      HMP SCHALI® relieves pains quickly and effectively. Please not, that long-lasting pains may occur after a serious injury in internal knee tissues and may need a medical help. In this case you are recommended to consult your attending doctor as soon as possible.
    • 1
      User P.L., age 62.
      Right Knee Joint Arthritis. Pains in knee, especially after walking up- and downstairs, swellings. I used HMP SCHALI® medical plaster in my right knee for 7 days. After three days, the swelling is gone. After the whole course, all my complaints are gone. I could bend and unbend my knee easily. Three months have passed after that course and I still have no more pains.
      User Y.S., age 38.
      Knee joint rheumatic arthritis was diagnosed 12 years ago. All that time I used to apply different therapies, but without success. Recently I found out about that new medical plaster and tried it as well. After the first application of SCHALI® plaster, I surprisingly noticed pain relief. After one week of application, I really felt no more pains. I forgot all my knee problems. Almost four months I have no more pains.
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  • N5Back pain

    • After pains in back, spinal muscles became very hard, I also noticed raise in temperature and some swellings in the back. Can I use SCHALI® plaster next to warming treatments?
      You can use medical plaster НМР SCHALI ® - Back pains next to warming treatments.
      What preventive steps are recommended spinal disc herniation?
      Spinal disc hernia ion is usually due to complications after spinal osteochondrosis. Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI® - Back Pains may be used separately and as a complex therapy agent against pains.
      Can I use SCHALI® plaster next to other analgesics against pains in back?
      Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI® may be used separately and as a complex therapy agent against pains and is fully compatible to other medications.
      I suffer from persistent ache in my waist and use warming ointment regularly. Can I apply SCHALI® plaster at the same time?
      There is no contraindication. Medical plaster НМР SCHALI® - Back Pains may be used separately and as a complex therapy agent against pains.
    • 1
      User V., age 47.
      I have been suffering from psoas myositis for a long time. Acute aches after exercises and sometimes even swelling and pain in the left loins part. Spinal column was not flexible. After three days of wearing plaster on my loins I felt significant relief. Swelling was gone, tension in spinal muscles was gone. Movements became freer. I’m wearing plaster about one week and still to this day I have no more problems with my back.
      User D.D. age 47.
      Diagnosis: lumbar rheumatoid arthritis. For a couple of years I used to take medications and ointments, but actually a felt relief just for some hours and then pain came back. I applied SCHALI plaster and felt better after 20 min. I took the whole course and since then I forgot about my diagnosis.
      User B.S., age 62.
      Propagated rheumatoid arthritis. I took analgesics against acute pains and was very sensitive to weather conditions. I applied two SCHALI plasters to my loins and neck at the same time. After the course I felt significantly better. I made the second course after a 2 weeks break. After my second course I felt fully healthy. Half a year passed since my second course and I still have no more spinal pains, even if weather changes.
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  • General

  • D1Type 1 Diabetes

    • Can I use SCHALI plaster if I suffer from diabetic angiopathy after Diabetes type I.?
      Next to your prescribed insulin drug therapy you can apply Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI-D1 following the Application Instruction. It’s absolutely prohabited to alter your insulin dose without your attending doctor even if you feel significantly better. All changes to your prescribed medications shall be done by your attending doctor only.
      How can I use SCHALI plasters in case of Diabetes I. retinopathy?
      Please carefully follow Application Instruction to Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI-D1 for applying the plaster to acupuncture points and painful sites. You are recommended to keep registering your condition regularly and to show your registration data to your attending doctor for making changes to your prescribed medication course. It’s absolutely prohibited to alter dose of your prescribed medications without your attending doctor, even if you fell significantly better.
    • 1
      User K., age 68.
      I have been suffering from Diabetes I. and diabetic angiopathy in lower extremities for 11 years. I also took insulin injection regularly. Next to my prescribed therapy I stared application of medical plaster SCHALI-D1. After one week of application, my insulin demand decreased and sensation in feet became better. I’m going on with SCHALI application.
      User I., age 65.
      I have Diabetes I. tCervical spine osteoarthrosisype and complications of angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy. I take a complex therapy. Recently I began to apply SCHALI plaster. After one month of application my insulin intake dropped twice. My doctor told me, that retinal detachment was prevented.
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  • General

  • G1Intestinal (GIT)

    • I used SCHALI ® for 2 weeks against gastrointestinal malfunction. Then I took some alcohol. Shall I start my SCHALI course from the very beginning or may I continue wearing SCHALI plaster?
      You can continue your SCHALI course. Medical plaster НМР SCHALI –Intestinal is effective against alcohol intoxication and hangover symptoms as well.
      Can SCHALI ® medical plasters help against chronic gastrointestinal disorders?
      You attending doctor shall prescribe necessary therapy. Medical plaster HMP SCHALI- Intestinal exerts a strong synergistic effect allowing significantly reduce treatment period.
      Can your plaster cause intoxication, vomiting, or other bad symptoms? What contraindication has your plaster?
      Nor side-effects, neither contraindications are found. Medical plaster HMP SCHALI – Intestinal may quickly release from vomiting symptoms and improve general condition.
      Can medical plaster SCHALI ® causes dependence?
      Medical Plaster HMP SCHALI – Intestinal causes no dependence. No rebound effect is known.
    • 1
      User J., age 61.
      I suffered from functional ileus for almost 7 years. Several times I was in hospital. After application of SCHALI – Intestinal propulsive ability in my gastrointestinal tract was restored.
      User B., age 46.
      I had constipation for 9 years. Puborectalis muscle relaxation turned to be insufficient. I used НМР SCHALI (Intestinal) for three days and it solved that delicate problem.
      User S., age 61.
      Over 10 years I was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux. Several times I was in hospital. I used to keep diet, but anyway pain attacks came regularly, especially at night time. New medical product SCHALI – Intestinal helped me after a couples of hours.
      User I., age 43.
      For 6 years I have been suffering from aerophagia (excessive air swallowing). After two days of SCHALI (Intestinal) application, my swallowing function was normalized and I felt much better.
  • G2Liver Protection

    • I take medications against heartburn and liver problems. Can I also apply SCHALI® plaster?
      Application of HMP SCHALI® medical plaster may improve therapeutical effect of your prescribed medications.
      I drink alcohol very often. 2 weeks ago I felt pains in my right side, probably in liver. Can I use SCHALI® plaster against that pain?
      Visit your attending doctor immediately! Aches in liver in case of regular alcohol consumption may be caused with diffuse hepatic processes resulting in cirrhosis and require an urgent medical treatment. Alcohol is absolutely prohibited in this case. You can apply НМР SCHALI® as a part to your prescribed therapy under medical observation.
      Can HMP SCHALI® help me against liver problems (obesity)?
      Fatty liver or Fatty Liver Disease requires both medical treatment and strict diet. You can apply НМР SCHALI® medical plaster additionally to your prescribed therapy under medical observation.
      My liver function is recovered after the SCHALI® treatment. Shall I go on with plasters, if I have no more complaints?
      For strengthening your effect and for preventive purposes, you are recommended to apply НМР SCHALI® within 3 months.
      Can HMP SCHALI® heal cirrhosis?
      Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease process and requires a medical treatment. Strict diet and daily routine are also recommended. You can use НМР SCHALI® as a part to your prescribed therapy under medical observation. Any changes in your prescribed drugs dose shall be done by your attending doctor only.
  • General

  • F1Feminine 18-30

    • Can SCHALI plaster normalize menstrual cycle?
      In any case of menstrual cycle disorders it’s strongly recommended to visit attending doctor immediately, for any menstrual disorder may be caused by pathologic processes. Application of medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 18/30 shows a strong synergistic effect in combination with prescribed therapy, allowing significantly decrease therapy period.
      Acute pains in lower belly and discharge occurred. Can they be treated with the help of SCHALI plasters?
      You have to visit your doctor immediately, for such symptoms may be caused by infection or pathologic processes. Application of medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 18/30 shows a strong synergistic effect in combination with prescribed therapy, allowing significantly decrease therapy period.
      Can I use your plaster, if my mood changes before menstruation, but I have to acute pains?
      Application of Medical Plaster HMP SCHALI –Feminine 18/30 is recommended to young females for normalizing their hormonally – induced behaviour. You can apply Medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 18/30 to VII. Neck-bone and other acupuncture points specified in the Application Instruction in order to improve your general condition
    • 1
      User P.G., b.y. 1990.
      Early I used to have headaches, pains in both belly and breasts before menstruation. I was out of sorts, everything seemed to be stressful and I felt sleepy and had hunger attacks. Two weeks of application of SCHALI plaster to acupuncture points under application instruction in interchanging (VII neck-bone, lower belly, internal surface of hips, loins) relieved my pains. I have neither headache nor breasts pains any more. Menstruation period seems to be more comfortable. During 2 years I apply the plaster, if only I have pains.
      User M.V., b.y. 1986.
      I used SCHALI plaster in a 2 months course (10 days and then a break of 2 weeks) on my lower belly. After the first week, weakness and tearfulness were completely over. Sounds and odours were no more annoying. After one month I had no more colic in belly and breasts were less sensitive.
      User O., age 21.
      Before menstruation I usually had diarrhea, felt thirsty, had swollen feet, and felt me total weak. After three hours of application of SCHALI plaster I felt me much better, all the pains were gone.
  • F2Feminine 30-45

    • What consequences may have menstrual disorder and hormonal ovarian malfunction without medical treatment?
      Ovarian malfunction may result in infertility and other pathologic diseases, especially at late age. We recommend visiting your doctor immediately.
      My breasts and legs seem to be swollen before menstruation. I also suffer from frequent urination. How can get release from those symptoms, if I don’t like oral pills?
      You are recommended to contact your attending doctor. You also may apply medical plaster НМР SCHALI®-Feminine 30/45 within 3 months every 7 days before menstruation.
    • 1
      User A.Y., age 38.
      Premenstrual syndrome was always very heavy. I had headache, my blood pressure jumped to 130/180 AT. Bloated belly, my whole body aches, plus irritability, instable mood, tumultuous dream, sweating attacks. I used SCHALI plaster in interchanges for 3 months up to 2 weeks before menstruation. I noticed that my mood improved after 4 days of use, I had again normal sleep, better efficiency in the office, and all the pains were gone.
      User S., age 36.
      Before menstruation I always had headaches, migraine, pains in belly. After the SCHALI course, my menstruation seemed to be more comfortable.
      User Z., age 43.
      With menstruation I always complained about swollen breasts, pains, swollen legs, diarrhea. Application of SCHALI Plaster in accordance with the Scheme relieved all unpleasant symptoms. I used to apply SCHALI plaster for 18 months regularly.
      User I., age 31.
      During menstruation I suffered from nausea, even vomiting, belly pains. I felt absolutely out-burned. First relief came 4 hours after application of SCHALI plaster. Now I feel vital energy and have no pains.
  • F3Feminine 45+

    • Isn't it too late to start applying your plaster now, if my menstruation is irregular, but very painful as earlier, and now my blood pressure is rather high (130/180 mm mc)?
      It’s not late. Medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+ is developed extra for age-related changes in female body. To normalize your condition and to release from acute climax symptoms you are recommended to have a whole course of medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+.
      Is your plaster effective against massive pains in lower belly and headache?
      You are recommended to use medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+ in accordance with the Application Instruction. Please note, that natural age-related changes in the feminine body request medical observation regularly.
      Can I apply your plasters next to common analgesics (No-shpa, Nurofen etc.) to treat sensation, irritability, and rush of blood during climax time?
      Medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+ exerts a synergistic effect in combination with common analgesics, allowing significantly faster release from pains and other unpleasant climax symptoms. Applying medical plaster НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+ in accordance with the Application Instruction regularly results in better emotional state and no depressive manifestations during climax period.
    • 1
      User B., age 49.
      Before menstruation I always complained about rapid heart, rush of blood into face. All my body ached. I also had depressive mood, had the blues. The SCHALI plaster helped me after 4 hours: I felt significantly better, came back in spirits, and had no pains. I used to apply the SCHALI plaster during the whole year, if I had pains.
      User N., age 52.
      I suffered from rush of blood, was very hot-tempered, and had pretty high blood pressure. I applied medical plaster SCHALI- Feminine 45+ as written in the Scheme and after one week I was able to register less rush of blood, and my good humour also was back to me. After one month course I had no more complaints about headache and blood pressure. Since almost one month after my SCHALI course I have no complaints.
      User K., age 54.
      Climax period was very heavy to me. I suffered from hypertension and headache. I also had tumultuous dream. I was really hot-tempered and my blood pressure skyrocketed. I started applying НМР SCHALI- Feminine 45+ and after two weeks I realized that I did not need medications any more. I could fall asleep normally and had a good night rest. My arterial tension turned back to normal. I completed one month course as written in the Application Instruction. Everything is fine now, I’m active and satisfied.
  • F4PMS and female reproductive system disorders

    • Can I use several plasters and how many at the same time, if I have headache, nagging breast-ache, persistent pains in belly, mood changes, and feel sleepy before menstruation?
      You are recommended to apply Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI – PMS to acupuncture points in alternation as written in the Application Instruction (VII neck-bone, lower belly, internal hips, waist) to release from PMS manifestations. In case of severe PMS manifestations you are recommended to have a three months course of medical plaster НМР SCHALI- PMS under medical observation.
      Can I attached 5-6 plasters at the same time if I have acute belly pains before menstruation?
      You can apply 5 to 6 Medical Plasters НМР SCHALI- PMS at the same time, however we recommend you to start applying plasters as written in the Application Instruction first.
      My breasts are getting swollen before menstruation, as well as my legs. I also suffer from frequent urination. How can get release from those symptoms, if I don’t like oral pills?
      You are recommended to contact your attending doctor. You also may apply medical plaster НМР SCHALI®-PMS within 3 months every 7 days before menstruation.
      Will your plaster help in case of acute belly pains and headache during menstruation?
      You are recommended to apply Medical Plaster НМР SCHALI- PMS to acupuncture points in alternation as written in the Application Instruction under medical observation.
    • 1
      User G., b.y. 1990.
      Menstruation used to be very painful. I always had headache, I was sick at all my body, my belly was nagging. Everything was a total stress. I began applying medical plaster НМР SCHALI – PMS to acupoints as described in the Application Instruction one week before menstruation and all turned to be well. Now I use to apply the plaster always one week before menstruation and feel great.
      User B., b.y. 1987.
      I had abdominal pains before menstruation and attached two SCHALI plasters under application instruction. Pain was gone. I kept wearing the plasters and took the whole course with interchanging as per Application Instruction. Since two months I have no more acute aches as I used to have before. During menstruation I felt much better and easy-tempered. My mood is now better and nothing is annoying any more.
      User N., age 30.
      Before menstruation I always felt my feet and belly were swollen. I used to apply SCHALI plaster PMS for 3 months every 7 days before and after menstruation in accordance with the Application Instruction. Swellings were gone, I generally felt better. I have no more headaches. Menstruation is more comfortable as before.
  • F5Menstrual colic

    • Can I use SCHALI plaster against menstrual colic without asking my doctor?
      If you have no pathologic condition you may use HMP SCHALI® in accordance with the Application Instruction.
      Can I take other medications together with SCHALI® plaster for better effect?
      НМР SCHALI® is medical product which may be used alone and in combination with other medications.
      Can I use SCHALI® plaster at an older age?
      НМР SCHALI® is intended to promote human serotonin level, improving vital energy and psychoemotional state at any age.
      To what acupuncture points shall I put HMP SCHALI® in case of menstrual colic?
      You can apply НМР SCHALI® to both VII neck-bone and lower belly. Please follow provisions of the Application Instruction carefully.
      What is the advantage of SCHALI® products?
      НМР SCHALI® is a medical product intended to affect the cause of pain. Besides, НМР SCHALI® may be used as a part to your prescribed therapy under medical observation against all serotonin deficiency related conditions.
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  • General

  • R1Rehabilitation

    • Can I apply SCHALI plaster now to 6 months old traumas in knees and hips? I still take analgesics, physical therapy, and rehabilitation exercise against pains.
      You are recommended to combine application of medical plaster HMP SCHALI® – Rehabilitation and your rehabilitation therapy for better synergistic effect.
      6 month old wrist joint fracture. Sometimes, especially before change in the weather, the joint is swollen and painful. Where can I apply SCHALI plaster for better effect?
      You are recommended to have a whole course of medical plaster HMP SCHALI® – Rehabilitation in accordance with the Application Instruction to problem site and acupuncture points. Course of treatment can be repeated, if necessary.
      I had peritonitis after appendicitis surgery. Stiches close up very slowly. Can I use your plaster, if I already take prescribed antibiotics and other medications?
      You are recommended to use medical plaster HMP SCHALI® – Rehabilitation in combination with traditional therapeutic agents for better synergistic effect.
    • 1
      User Y., age 35.
      I lifted a heavy load and felt ache in my forearm. My forearm was swollen and painful. Three hours after application of medical plaster НМР SCHALI (rehabilitation) pain and swelling were gone.
      User S., age 43.
      After an old car accident I have limited movements in my knee and hip joints. I regularly took analgesics, physiotherapy, and remedial gymnastics. I tried one course of SCHALI plaster. After two months, all the pains were gone. I will continue the course.
      User L., age 63.
      Six months ago I had carpal articulation fractured. Recurrently, especially for weather, pains, swellings etc. Three months ago I took a one month course of medical plaster НМР SCHALI (Rehabilitation) and since that time I have no more pains.
      User I., age 62.
      Appendicitis surgery. Besides, Diabetes type 1, insulin injections. Stitches healed poorly. I used to apply НМР SCHALI (rehabilitation) along the stich and after three days I had mediate agglutination.
      User B., age 42.
      Retroperitoneal hematoma surgery. No incarnation for a long time. Progressive healing after three days of SCHALI plaster application.
      User A., age 62.
      Performative stomach ulcer surgery. Poor scar healing. Incarnation occurred on the second day of application of SCHALI plaster.
      User S., age 47.
      Destructive appendicitis surgery, complicated peritoneal abscess. Poor healing, fistula. Incarnation was registered after two days of SCHALI plaster application.
      User K., age 37.
      Abdominal pregnancy surgery. Poor long healing. Healing was accelerated after 4 days of HMP SCHALI application.
  • General

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  • General

    • Can I apply SCHALI® Care Suppositories in combination with phytotherapy, if I’m allergic?
      Yes, you can. SCHALI® Care products are hypoallergenic and consist of 100% bio natural active ingredients. All SCHALI® Care products are fully compatible with each other and show a strong synergistic effect while used in combination with other therapeutic drugs.
      Why do suppositories cause redness in site of application in the first week? Shall I stop using your products or shall I consult my healthcare specialist?
      Such temporary symptoms as local redness or heat sensation are signs of individual response and cease soon. However, if you have unpleasant sensations after each use, you are recommended to break using the product for several days. If you have the same sensations after that break, you are recommended to consult your healthcare specialist.
      May I start applying your products, if I’ve just completed a course of therapy, but unfortunately without noticeable results, or I need first to make a break before I start using your products?
      You may begin using SCHALI® Care products right now, no break is needed.
      Can I use your products, if I already take my prescribed medicines (pills, injections, vaginal / rectal preparations?
      Yes, you can use SCHALI® Care Products for best results and faster recovery, if only you have no acute conditions. Please consult your attending doctor to update your course of therapy.
      I interrupted the course of SCHALI® Care suppositories for the third time because of my numerous business trips I had to do. Shall I start the course of treatment from the very beginning or shall I consult my attending medical doctor?
      It’s undesirable to interrupt the course of treatment. You have to proceed with the course and make up for the missed doses of SCHALI® suppositories.
      How to use SCHALI® Care suppositories in the event of menopause?
      We recommend to use SCHALI®-FM suppositories in regular courses, following Instructions for Use.
      If I apply HMP SCHALI®-Menstrual colic medical plaster, may I use other SCHALI® Care female products at the same time?
      Yes, different SCHALI® products may be used at the same time for best synergistic results. All SCHALI® Care products are fully compatible with HMP SCHALI® medical plasters.
      Which SCHALI® Care products are indicated for candidiasis? May I use different SCHALI® Care products at the same time, e.g. spray and suppositories?
      SCHALI®-FI products are indicated for candidiasis. We recommend you to take SCHALI® –FI products until full recovery, i.e. until your control analysis shows regular values. It’s also recommended to consult your gynaecologist first and to read carefully Instructions for Use.
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  • FCSCHALI®-FС Adjuvant Oncogynaecology

    • 1
      Female M.B., 59 y.o.
      Menopause over 9 years. Complaints of vaginal dryness, pain during sex. Gynaecological examination: smooth epithelium in labia minora, vaginal and cervical mucosae are thinned with petechial changes, contact bleeding. Scarce, turbid discharge without smell. No infection. Prescription: SCHALI®–FС Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Control examination after 8 days: better condition of labia minora, less dryness, better elasticity. No contact bleeding in cervical and vaginal mucosae, no petechial changes in cervical mucosa, scarce to moderate slimy discharge, no smell. Control examination after 2 weeks: positive results, no more complaints.
      Female A.B., 43 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular muco-purulent discharge over 5 months. Anamnesis: no inherited diseases. Menarche at the age of 13, regular, in 25-28 days cycle for 4-5 days, painless. Sexual life since the age of 18, married, barrier method of contraception. Three pregnancies: two abortions without complications and one delivery. Earlier diseases: cryodestruction due to cervical ectopy at the age of 26, no control colposcopy after treatment. General condition: healthy. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals, female type body hair. In mirrors: vaginal mucosa is clear, no inflammation, hypertrophic cervix, rear cervical labia has some whitish sites with clear limits. Scarce muco-purulent discharge. Vaginal examination: regular, free vagina. Cervix is hypertrophic, cylindrical. Mouth is closed. Uterine size is regular, uterus is movable, painless. Both appendages are regular. Vaults are deep, parametrium is free. Wet mount tests and ultrasound showed no pathology. Colposcopy: cervical leucoplakia. Biopsy and histological examination confirmed leucoplakia condition. Diagnosis: cervical leucoplakia. Radiosurgical conisation. Prescription: SCHALI–FС suppositories (1suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Control examination after one month showed no cervical pathology.
      Female C.B., 59 y.o.
      Complaints of nodes near vaginal entry, darker mucosa, vaginal itching over 3 months. No medical advice, no treatment before. Itching became more intensive. No bad habits, no chronic gynaecological conditions. At the age of 8-12, frequents anginas, colds. Married since the age of 22. 2 pregnancies: one abortion and one delivery. General condition: regular, no fever, soft and painless abdomen, Pasternatsky’s sign is negative in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Breasts are soft, no hardening. Genitals are regular. Pigment point in right labia majora near entry, an irregular hardening of 3 cm, painless is palpated. In mirrors: moderate hypertrophic cervical and vaginal mucosae, swollen. Whitish plaque between folds. No pathology after ultrasound, LN are regular, not enlarged. Biopsy: vulvar carcinoma. Diagnosis: vulvar carcinoma. After surgery, SCHALI–FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) are prescribed as a part of adjuvant cancer therapy. Postsurgical rehabilitation was without complications, wound was healed after primary tension. General conditions is satisfactory, currently under supervision of gynaecological oncologist.
      Female C.B., 46 y.o.
      Hospitalised due to uterine bleeding. Uterine scraping: cystic glandular hyperplasia in endometrium, with focal adenomatosis due to chronic endometritis. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 12, regular menstruations until the age of 44, menstrual cycle is 28-30 days, periods of 5 days, painless. Over last year, menstrual delay of 1,5 – 2 months, excessive bloody discharge. Uterine scraping was made for the first time, hemostatic herbal extracts were taken to stop bleeding before scraping. No medical advice before. Chronic adnexitis and chronic endometritis. General condition: pale skin, clear. Vesicular breathing, no rale. Heart rate is 86 bpm, AT – 140/90 mmHg. Soft, painless abdomen. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals. In mirrors: no visible pathological signs in vaginal and cervical mucosae, scarce muco-ichory discharge. Cervix is cylindrical, mouth is closed. Regular uterine size, uterus is movable, painless. Both appendages are regular. Vaults are deep, parametrium is free. Diagnosis: Endometrial hyperplasia. Prescription: hemostatic agents, SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days). After treatment, better general condition, control examination showed no pathological signs.
      Female B.B., 44 y.o.
      Hospitalised due to endometrial adenocarcinoma. Anamnesis: profuse blood loss in delivery resulted in Itsenko - Kushing disease. 45 kg weight surplus. No menstruation for 12 years. Then uterine bleedings. Uterine scraping: uterine cancer. Complaints before hospitalisation: continuous bloody discharge over 4 weeks. High body mass index, hypertrichosis in face and body. Gynaecological examination: enlarged uterus, size is characteristic for 7 weeks pregnancy. Tough, slightly enlarged ovaries. Morphological diagnosis of adenocarcinoma is confirmed. Surgery. Diagnosis: endometrial cancer. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, general condition is satisfactory.
      Female C.V., 64 y.o.
      Hospitalised due to scarce bloody vaginal discharge over 6 months that emerged 7 years after menopause. Regular medical advice and scrapings showed no cancer cells in uterus. Hemostatic agents and drugs to reduce uterine size were prescribed that gave no effect. Uterine curettage was made. Biopsy showed endometrial cancer. Diagnosis: right fallopian tube cancer. Extirpation of uterus with appendages and greater omentum was done. Histological examination detected glandular-papillary cancer cells in fallopian tubes. Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. Currently, general condition is satisfactory.
      Female G.A., 39 y.o.
      Сomplaints of excessive periods, irregular nagging pain in lower abdomen, weakness and dizziness. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 13, regular, cycle of 25-26 days, periods of 5-7 days, intensive. Sexual life since the age of 20. Two deliveries and three medical abortions. Myoma was diagnosed 5 years ago. Uterine size was characteristic for 6 weeks pregnancy. Last gynaecological examination was 6 months ago and showed uterine size was characteristic for 10 weeks pregnancy. Last periods were excessive with nagging pain in lower abdomen. Somatic diseases are unknown. General condition: satisfactory, skin and mucosa are pale rose, clear. Heart rate is 92 bpm, rhythmic and full. AT 120/80 mmHg. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals. In mirrors: no inflammation in vagina, no visible pathology in cervix. Slimy discharge. Cervix is cylindrical, regular, mouth is closed. Uterine size was characteristic for 12 weeks pregnancy, irregular uneven surface with hardenings, uterus is movable, painless. Both appendages are regular, painless. Vaults are deep, painless. Diagnosis: uteral myoma, menorrhagia. Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. Postsurgical rehabilitation was without complications, general condition was satisfactory, and patient was released from hospital.
      Female L.B., 67 y.o.
      Сomplaints of scarce bloody discharge over one month, disappearing for 3-4 days and coming again. Anamnesis: postmenopause over 17 years. Only one pregnancy that ended with a medical abortion. Chronic cholecystitis and chronic pyelonephritis. General condition is satisfactory, regular stature, high subcutaneous fat spread under female type. Regular skin colour. No pathological signs in pelvis and thorax. Gynaecological examination: scarce body hair under female type. In mirrors: atrophic vaginal mucosa, negative pupil symptom. No visible pathological signs in cervix. Scarce, dark and bloody discharge. Cylindrical cervix, mouth is closed, uterus is movable, slightly enlarged, tough-elastic, sensitive in palpation. Both appendages are regular, painless. No abnormality in parametria. Ultrasound: uterine size 57х50х42 mm, enlarged cavity, М-echo 15 mm, unequal echo-structure; regular myometrium structure. Diagnosis: uterine cancer. Surgery. Histological examination: sarcoma. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. After treatment, general condition is satisfactory.
      Female S.N., 33 y.o.
      Сomplaints of muco-purulent discharge. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 13, cycle of 30 days, periods of 4-5 days, moderate, regular, painless. 4 pregnancies: 2 fast uncomplicated deliveries and 2 medical abortions. Married, regular sexual life. No somatic, no gynaecological conditions known. General condition: no pathological signs. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals, female type body hair. In mirrors: regular colour of vagina, no inflammation. A site of irregular shape (0.5x0.5cm) of bright red colour is visible on front cervical lip. Moderate muco-purulent discharge. Cylindrical cervix, symmetric, mouth is closed. Uterine size is regular, uterus is movable, painless. Both appendages are regular, painless. Vaults are deep. No abnormality in parametria. Diagnosis: cervical ectopy. Prescription: SCHALI – FС Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a days during 60 days) as a part of complex treatment. After treatment and control colposcopy, cervix is clear.
      Female O.P., 46 y.o.
      Сomplaints of moderate bloody vaginal discharge after coitus over one month. Anamnesis: mother died after uterine cancer at the age of 50. Menarche at the age of 13, periods of 4-5 days in 28-30 days, moderate, painless. Sexual life since the age of 18, married. 5 pregnancies: three deliveries (large fetus) and two medical abortions. Rupture of cervix in last delivery. Cryodestruction due to cervical ectopy was made ten years ago. Cervical dysplasia II d. is diagnosed three years ago, but the patient rejected surgery. Patient moved to a new address and asked no medical advice since that. General condition: satisfactory, skin colour is regular, heart rate is 76 bpm, rhythmic. AT 130/80 mmHg. No pathological signs. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals. In mirrors: hypertrophic cervix, traces of old raptures, numerous papillary growths of 2 cm and of bright red colour on frontal lip near mouth, bleeding after contact. Tough, dense cervix, movable, surplus in tissue palpated. Uterine size is regular, regular density, equal surface, movable, painless. Both appendages are regular. No abnormality in parametria. Blood traces on the glove after examination. Diagnosis: cervical cancer. Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. After treatment, general condition is satisfactory. Patient is under gynaecological supervision.
      Female C.T., 57 y.o.
      Сomplaints of heavy feeling in abdomen. Skin and mucosa are clear, of regular colour. AT 140/90 mmHg, heart rate: 86 bpm, rhythmic. Soft, slightly enlarged abdomen. Under womb, to the right, a tough-elastic growth of 6 cm with smooth surface, low movable and painless is palpated. Ultrasound: round growth in right appendage is detected. ¬Edges of the growth are smooth, anaechoic content, no inclusion. Uterus and left appendage are not modified. Bimanual examination: regular genitals, vagina and uterus, moth is closed. Uterine size is regular, uterus is tough, displaced to the left, painless, left appendage is regular, right appendage has a round growth of 6-7 cm with smooth surface, low movable, painless. Vaults are deep, slimy discharge. Diagnosis: right ovary cancer (cystadenoma). Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. After treatment, general condition is satisfactory. Patient is under gynaecological supervision.
      Female R.B., 44 y.o.
      Сomplaints of menstrual dysfunction, high body hair in hips, feet and face, rough voice. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 13, regular, periods of 4-5 days in a 28 days cycle, moderate, painless. Sexual life since the age of 22, one delivery and one medical abortion uncomplicated. No pregnancy over last 6 years without contraception. Medical advice on menstrual dysfunction, temporary results after hormonal therapy. Low weight over last year and lower size of breasts, new hairs in face, in pubic area. General condition: satisfactory, excessive vellus hairs in face, some stem hairs in chin. High hair growth in hips and feet. Heart rate: 72 bpm, AT: 110/70 mmHg, breasts are slightly hypoplastic, hairs around nipples. No pathological signs in pelvis and thorax. Gynaecological examination: mixed type body hair, labia minora and labia majora are regular, slightly enlarged clitoris. In mirrors: cylindrical cervix, no pathological signs, slimy discharge. Correct position of uterus, uterine size is slightly less than regular, tough. Right appendages are regular, no abnormality. A growth of 8x7 cm is detected to the left and behind the uterus, dense, low movable, with smooth surface, sensitive in palpation. Diagnosis: left ovary cancer. Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. After treatment, general condition is satisfactory. Patient is under gynaecological supervision.
      Female P.B., 54 y.o.
      Сomplaints of weakness, excessive sweating, low grade fever, sometimes shiver, low weight, feeling of abdominal fullness, dull aching, wheezing, shortness of breath, cough. Anamnesis: menopause over one year, no sexual life. Breast cancer surgery was made 18 months ago, chemotherapy. General condition: pale greyish skin. Heart rate: 88 bpm, AT 140/90 mmHg. After percussion, dullness is in lower lung and low breath sounds at auscultation. Enlarged abdomen, dull sound in plate sites in percussion, a growth is detected in lower abdomen. Upper growth limit is between navel and pubic articulation, surface is irregular, dense, with large humps. Gynaecological examination: regular genitals. In mirrors: no inflammation in vaginal mucosa, no pathological signs in cervix, slimy discharge. Numerous growth conglomerates of irregular shape and with large humps over small and large pelvis, growths are dense and sensitive in palpation. Through posterior arch several spinous painful growths are palpated in lower tumour pole. Vaults are plate, posterior fornix hangs. Diagnosis: ovarian cancer. Surgery. Prescription: SCHALI – FС suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days) as a part of complex postsurgical treatment. General condition is better, symptoms relieved. Therapy is in progress.
  • FHHormonal Disorders

    • 1
      Female M.A., 34 y.o.
      Complaints of no pregnancy. Normosthenic stature, no chronical conditions. No bad habits, no inherited diseases. No contraception over 3 years. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 13, regular, painful menstruation. No injuries and no surgeries. No prescriptions taken. Earlier diseases: Chlamydia infection, Candidiasis, Gardnerella infection. No pregnancies, no abortions. Breasts and genitals are regularly developed. Cervix is conical, movable, painless. Uterus is regular in size, movable and painless. Appendages are regular. Blood hormones are sufficient. Pelvic ultrasound shows no pathological signs. Her husband is healthy. Prescription: SCHALI-FH suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Female patient got pregnant after one month treatment.
      Female V.B., 19 y.o.
      Complaints of spasmodic contraction in pelvic floor and vaginal muscles during sex over 5 months, problematic sex. No inherited diseases. Born in term, natural feeding. Regular growth and development. Under frequent stress and mobbing attacks as a child. Earlier diseases: frequent colds, chickenpox, mumps. No allergy. General condition: satisfactory. Clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft, painless, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals. Female type body hair, labia majora covers labia minora, no scars, no deformation. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose, urethra is regular. Both Bartholin’s and paraurethral glands are regular. Diagnosis: vaginismus. Prescription: SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), psychological aid. No more complains after one month treatment.
      Female L.R., 39 y.o.
      Complaints of fatigue, irritability, weakness, poor sleep (difficulty with falling asleep, shallow sleep) over 6 years. Earlier diseases: frequent colds, influenza. No sexually transmitted infections, no tuberculosis, no hepatitis, no nervous conditions, no mental disorders. No smoking, sporadic alcohol intake, no drugs. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 12, regular, painless, of 5 days duration. No allergic reactions to food, drug and household substances. General condition: satisfactory. Clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft, painless, urination is regular, stool is regular. Regularly developed genitals. Diagnosis: Asthenia. Prescription: SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) and psychological aid. After one month treatment, significantly better condition, no more complaints of fatigue, irritability. Regular physical exercise in the morning.
      Female K.C., 16 y.o.
      Complaints of vaginal bleeding, weakness, dizziness. Anamnesis: No inherited diseases. As a child of a poor healthy condition, prone to infections. Frequent anginas and colds at the age of 8-12. Menarche at the age of 15, 8 days, excessive and painful. Menstrual delay of 6 months. Two more menstruations of the same intensity. Moderate bloody discharge came one week ago, after a 2 months delay. More intensive discharge over 3 last days, also weakness, dizziness. General condition: asthenic stature, low body weight. Moderately severe. Skin and mucosa are pale. Heart rate: 92 bpm, rhythmic. AT 90/60 mmHg. Breasts are hypoplastic. No pathological signs in genitals. Gynaecological examination: female type body hair, hypoplasia in labia minora and labia majora. Hymen is intact, clots of dark blood come through. Rectally: slightly small uterine size, dense, painless, movable, in a right position. Cervix to uterus ratio: 1:1. Ultrasound: uterine size 32х21х35mm. Diagnosis: uterine hypoplasia. Prescription: hormonal drugs, SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 45 days), repeated course of SCHALI-FH suppositories. After treatment, no more complaints, larger uterus of 45х32х43mm.
      Female L.P., 18 y.o.
      Complaints of some bloody vaginal discharge, painfulness in hypogastric area, general weakness without known cause. No medical advice and no treatment before. No inherited diseases. General condition: height -165 cm, weight -46 kg. Hyposthenic stature. Poor physical development. Small breasts, soft, no discharge. Female type body hair, scarce. Gynaecological examination: dry and erythematous vulva and vagina, cervical mucus tension 0–1 cm. Ultrasound: uterus 45х 33 х 32mm, ovaries: right 295х 15 х 13 mm, left 19 х 15 х 18 mm, follicles are regular. Diagnosis: Ovarian hypoplasia. Prescription: hormonal drugs, SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 45 days), repeated course of SCHALI-FH suppositories. No more complaints after treatment.
      Female G.D., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of amenorrhea over 18 months, sometimes nausea, high heart beating, sweating, weakness. No medical advice before. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 15. Regular menstruation since the age of 17,5 in a 28-30 days cycle for 3–5 days. Sexual life since the age of 20. Since the age of 26, less intensive periods and delay upto 45 days. Amenorrhea at the age of 28. No gynaecological conditions before. Earlier diseases: appendectomy in her childhood. General condition: height - 160 cm, weight - 50 kg. Breasts are soft, no discharge. Female type body hair and stature. Ultrasound: uterus 44х 30 х 35 mm, ovaries: right 28 х 16 х 22 mm, left 20 х 14 х 18 mm, follicles are regular. Blood hormones: FSH 40 IU/l, LH 28 IU/l, estradiol 76 pmol/l, prolactin 120 mIU/l. Negative progestogen test. Positive oestrogens and progestogen test. Diagnosis: premature ovarian failure. Prescription: hormonal drugs for a long time, SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 45 days), then repeated course of SCHALI-FH suppositories. No more complaints. Treatment in progress.
      Female Т.U., 40 y.o.
      Complaints of pelvic pain during menstruation and coitus, bleedings of 2 weeks over one year. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 15. Earlier diseases: cervical erosion, treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Diathermoelectrocoagulation on cervical erosion was made 2 years ago, after that bleedings. No inherited diseases. No diabetes, no tuberculosis. General condition: relatively satisfactory. Skin is clear and pale rose. Breasts are soft, no galactorrhea. Regularly developed genitals, female type body hair. In mirrors: cervix is deformed, clear. Gynaecological examination: rose vaginal mucosa. Uterus is regular, in AFV, movable, painless. Right and left appendages are enlarged, sensitive in palpation. Clear discharge. Diagnosis: Uterine endometriosis. Prescription: SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No more complaints of pain, better general condition.
      Female О.T., 29 y.o.
      Cervical erosion is diagnosed in regular examination, after colposcopy. Anamnesis: No inherited diseases. No allergy. Menarche at the age of 12, irregular, of 7 days in a 35 – 42 days cycle, painful within 2 days, excessive. No sexually transmitted infections, no tuberculosis, no hepatitis, no nervous conditions, no mental disorders. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft, painless, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, female type body hair, labia majora covers labia minora, no scars, no deformation. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose, urethra is regular. Bartholin’s and paraurethral glands are regular. No pathological signs after lab tests. Blood hormones: LH 8,4; FSH 7,2 IU/l; TTH 9,8 mIU/l; estradiol 126 pmol/l; testosterone 1,5 nmol/l. No abnormality in ultrasound. Diagnosis: cervical erosion (hormonal). Prescription: SCHALI-FH suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No pathological signs in cervix after one month treatment and control colposcopy.
      Female N.A., 27 y.o.
      Сomplaints of no pregnancy. Anamnesis: no menstrual dysfunction. One pregnancy resulted in an uncomplicated abortion in week 9-10., 2-3 miscarriages in week 6-7. No contraception over 4 years, no pregnancy. Athletic stature, weight - 64 kg, height - 169 cm. Single hairs over upper lip, around nipples, in white abdominal line, in hips. Facial skin in porous and fat. Breasts are slightly small, no discharge. Gynaecological examination: slightly hypertrophic labia minora, pigmented skin. In mirrors: clear vaginal and cervical mucosae, scarce discharge. РV: cervix is subconical, uterus is not enlarged, appendages are regular, vaults are free. Clear discharge. Blood hormones: LH 6,4; FSH 6,2 IU/l; TTH 7,8 mIU/l; estradiol 96 pmol/l; testosterone 2,5 nmol/l. Diagnosis: endocrinal infertility. Prescription: hormonal drugs, SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 45 days), then repeated course of SCHALI-FH suppositories. Female patient got pregnant after 1.5 months following the treatment.
      Female A.D., 34 y.o.
      Сomplaints of menstrual delay, toxicosis sigs (nausea, vomiting, fatigue), swollen breasts, high weight over 2 months. Anamnesis: Sexual life since the age of 16. Married. General condition: satisfactory, no fever (36,8°C). No pathological signs in pelvis and thorax. Gynaecological examination: swollen labia minora and labia majora, swollen vaginal entry. Abdomen is slightly bloated. Vesicular breathing. Abdomen is tensed and painful in left groin area. Regular stool. XII rib symptom is negative in both sides. Gynaecological examination: Regularly developed genitals. In mirrors: no vaginal inflammation, no pathological signs in cervix, IUD installed. Abundant purulent discharge in cervical canal. Cylindrical cervix, moth is closed, painfulness in movement. Uterine size and density are regular, clear contours, painless. No pregnancy in ultrasound. Diagnosis: false pregnancy. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better emotional condition, no more complaints.
      Female S.J., 34 y.o.
      Сomplaints of nausea, vomiting, pain in lower abdomen, spasms and pains in loin, general weakness, bloody vaginal discharge, 12 weeks pregnancy. General condition: asthenic stature, low body weight. Moderately severe. Pale skin and mucosa. Heart rate: 98 bpm, rhythmic. AT: 110/70 mmHg. Breasts are hypoplastic. No pathological signs in genitals. Anterior abdominal wall is slightly tense. Abdominal breathing. In palpation, acute pain in lower abdomen, mostly in left side. Blumberg’s sign is slightly positive in left iliac area. In percussion, low sound in sides. Gynaecological examination: cylindrical cervix, palpation is difficult because of sharp pain and tension in abdominal wall, probably no enlargement. Appendage areas are very painful, particularly to the right, no palpation is possible. Ultrasound: 12 weeks pregnancy. Diagnosis: miscarriage. Hospitalised. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of rehabilitation programme. Two more 30 days courses of suppositories. Pregnancy after treatment, healthy delivery.
      Female Е.G., 20 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular menstruation (painful, scarce, out of schedule). Pituitary dwarfism was diagnosed. Last menstruation is out of schedule, 10 days ago. Not married. General condition: satisfactory, no fever (36,8°C). No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: in mirrors: hyperemic vaginal and cervical mucosae, swollen, narrow vagina. Cervix is elastic, cylindrical, mouth is closed. Uterine size is slightly less than regular. In a right position, movable, painless. Both appendages are regular, painless. Regular parametrium. Diagnosis: Abnormal uterine bleeding. Pituitary dwarfism. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better general condition, no more complaints of pain. Repeated course of SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Regular menstruation.
      Female L.P., 35 y.o.
      Complaints of nagging pain in lower abdomen over 6 months. More intensive after exercise, not irradiating, scarce dark bloody discharge over last 7 days. Menarche at the age of 15, regular. Cycle of 29-30 days of 4-5 days periods, slightly painful, moderate. Sexual life since the age of 16, not married. No changes in menstruation since begin of sexual life. Regularly developed genitals. Female type body hair. Cervical mucosa is regular, blood discharge, moderate. Mouth is closed, oval. Regular vaginal mucosa, no discoloration. Pelvic ultrasound: Uterus is enlarged 71-49-56, fibroid nodes, even contours. One round node in uterus, 49 mm, low echogenic, homogenous. Visible endometrium - 3 mm. Right ovary is not visible, left ovary is 18 x 15mm, homogenous. Diagnosis: interstitial uterine fibroma. Surgery. Prescription: postsurgical rehabilitation, SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No complications after surgery, general condition is satisfactory, released from hospital, now in outpatient care.
      Female О.H., 26 y.o.
      Complaints of no pregnancy, scarce menstruation, bleedings out of schedule, painful menstruation. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 13, irregular within one year, then 3 days in a 28 days cycle, regular. Measles, meningoencephalitis-complicated at the age of 14. No pregnancy. No allergy. Sexual life since the age of 18, married, regular sexual life. No gynaecological conditions. No discharge. Female type body hair. Breasts are regularly developed, symmetrical, D=S. Regular skin colour, regular vascular pattern. Regular nipples, shape is regular. In palpation, no hardening in breasts, no discharge. Regularly developed genitals. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose. No growth, no scars, parous vagina, clear. Mouth is closed. Slit-like moth, cervical mucosa is pale rose. Slimy discharge, transparent, moderate. Diagnosis: Hypogonadism. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better general condition, no bleedings out of menstruation, more painful menstruation. Repeated course of SCHALI – suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition. Treatment in progress.
      Female V.R., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of high body hair in hips, feet and face, rough voice. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 14, regular, 4-5 days in a 28 days cycle, moderate intensive, painless. Over last two years: menstruation of 1-2 days in a 2-3 months cycle, scarce. Sexual life since the age of 20, one delivery and one uncomplicated medical abortion. Under medical supervision for menstrual dysfunction, cyclic hormonal therapy gave temporary effects. General condition: satisfactory, excessive vellus hairs in face, some stem hairs in chin. High hair growth in hips and feet. Heart rate: 72 bpm, AT: 120/70 mmHg. Breasts are slightly hypoplastic, hair around nipples. No pathological signs in pelvis and thorax. Gynaecological examination: mixed type body hair, labia minora and labia majora are regular. Slightly enlarged clitoris. In mirrors: cylindrical cervix, no pathological signs. Correct position of uterus, uterine size is slightly less than regular, tough. Diagnosis: Hirsutism. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better general condition, less body hair. One month course of SCHALI –FH suppositories is repeated. Significantly better general condition. Treatment in progress.
      Female G.K., 35 y.o.
      Complaints of no menstruation over 6 months, hot flash up to 6 times a day, emotional tension, poor sleep. Anamnesisе: menarche at the age of 13, one delivery and one medical uncomplicated abortion. Since the age of 30, medical supervision for uterine myoma. General condition: regular stature, regular weight, female type body hair, regularly developed breasts, no galactorrhea. Gynaecological examination: enlarged uterus, appendages are aregular. Low vaginal moisture. Diagnosis: Premature ovarian failure. Prescription: hormonal drugs, SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 60 days). First scarce menstruation during treatment.
      Female G.A., 35 y.o.
      Complaints of itching in clitoris, labia minora and vaginal entry, more sensitive in the night time. Feeling of tension in perineal mucosa, dryness over one year. Regular menstrual cycle. Gynaecological examination: whitish mucosa in clitoris, labia minora, vaginal entry. Hypotrophic labia minora. Vulvoscopy: swollen mucosa, bleeding cracks and abrasion sites. Lugol’s iodine test is positive. Diagnosis: Kraurosis vulvae. Prescription: SCHALI – FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Less itching after treatment. No itching, better general condition after the second course of one month treatment.
      Female S.С., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of a long menstrual cycle of 45-50 days, painful periods, irritability, aggression. Sexual life since the age of 17. General condition: satisfactory, heart rate: 96 bpm, rhythmic. Abdomen is not bloated, soft and painless in palpation. Gynaecological examination: no pathological signs in uterus and cervix. Bimanual examination: uterus and appendages are regular. No pathological signs. Blood hormones in amenorrhea condition: LH 6,4; FSH 5,2 IU/l; PRL 582 mIU/l; TTH 1,8 mIU/l; estradiol 106 pmol/l; testosterone 1,5 nmol/l. Pelvic ultrasound: uterus 39 х 27 х 31 mm, ovarian volume: right — 3,6 cm3, left — 3,1 cm3. Diagnosis: Ovarian dysfunction (hormonal). Prescription: SCHALI-FН suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) (rectally during menstruation). Significantly better general condition, better psychoemotional state. Treatment in progress.
  • FIInfectious and viral diseases

    • 1
      Female B.S., 28 y.o.
      Complaints of abundant grey vaginal discharge, often with an unpleasant fishy smell, particularly after sex or during menstruation, itching and burning sensation in genitals, frequent urination. Diagnosis after examination and lab tests: bacterial vaginosis. Prescription: SCHALI-FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 10 days). After treatment, no more complaints, lab tests show no infection.
      Female V.I., 31 y.o.
      Complaints of vaginal discharge, irregular pain in lower abdomen, unpleasant feeling during sex over 1 month. Diagnosis: cervical condyloma. Prescription: SCHALI – FI vaginal suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). In control gynaecological examination after treatment: cervical condition is regular, no condyloma is visible.
      Female P.N., 37 y.o.
      Chronic vaginal candidiasis over 6 years. Short remission after medicamentous treatments, recurrent infection after 1-1,5 months. Prescription: SCHALI SMART ANTIVIRUS Hydrogel (3 times a day over affected mucosa during 14 days). Less symptoms (itching, burning sensation, "cheesy" discharge) after 6 days of treatment, no more complaints after 10 days. Control lab test showed no infection. No recurrent infection over 6 months.
      Female А.А., 24 y.o.
      Complaints of unpleasant feeling in genitals, itching, cheesy discharge. No sexual life. Earlier diseases: ureaplasma infection. After treatment, control lab test showed no infection. Currently, regular pool visits that may serve as a provoking factor. Lab tests: vulvovaginal candidiasis. Prescription: antifungal drugs and SCHALI SMART ANTIVIRUS Hydrogel 3 times a day over genital mucosa during 14 days. No more symptoms after 5 days of treatment. After treatment, control lab test showed no infection, no yeast. For prevention: apply hydrogel before pool visit. After one month of treatment, no more complaints, lab tests results without infection. After 4 months, no more complaints.
      Female O.R., 23 y.o.
      Complaints of itching, burning sensation and painfulness in labial area, cheesy discharge over 14 days. Acute condition before menstruation, no treatment yet, no medical advice before. Gynaecological examination: hyperemic labial and vaginal mucosae, cheesy whitish discharge. In mirrors: cervix is conical, mouth is closed. Appendages in both sides are regular. Vaginal wet mount: high leukocytes 100 FOV, yeast. Candida albicans. Diagnosis: acute vulvovaginal candidiasis. Prescription: oral antibiotics, SCHALI- FI vaginal suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 10 days). Less complaints since day 1 of treatment. After treatment, no more complaints, control lab test showed no infection.
      Female V.M., 18 y.o.:
      Complaints of vaginal itching and abundant "cheesy" discharge after antibacterial treatment (chlamydia infection, mycoplasma infection) over 14 days. Preliminary diagnosis: acute vulvovaginal candidiasis. Diagnosis is confirmed after lab tests: yeast in vaginal wet mount. Prescription: SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 20 days). Less itching and less discharge after 3 days of treatment. After 2 weeks of treatment, no more infection in control lab tests.
      Female P. Е., 29 y.o.
      Complaints of rash in the form vesicles in labial and pubic area over weeks. Worse condition: erosions instead of vesicles, more burning sensation, itching. Diagnosis: herpes genitalis. Prescription: SCHALI SMART ANTIVIRUS Hydrogel (3 times a day over affected mucosa during 30 days). No more rash after 6 days of treatment, no more complaints. No virus in control lab tests.
      Female D.А., 22 y.o.
      Complaints of unpleasant feeling in vagina and vulva after sex. Both partners have Staphylococcus aureus in titre. Female patient is prescribed to use SCHALI SMART ANTIVIRUS hydrogel (3 times a day over affected mucosa during 30 days). Partner is prescribed to use SCHALI ® Care – МI spray over penis head 2 times a day during 30 days. Protected sex throughout treatment. After treatment, control test results show no infection in both partners. After 3 months of unprotected sex, no more complaints.
      Female G.F., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular serous-purulent discharge, irregular nagging pain in lower abdomen. Anamnesis: hospitalised due to inflamed appendages 18 months ago. Since then regular complaints, particularly after menstruation or colds. No disorders before. Regular menstrual cycle. Last menstruation was 7 days ago. No pregnancy before. Constant sexual partner. Contraception with pills. Sexual partner had chlamydia infection several years ago, treated, but no control test was done. General condition: satisfactory, soft and painless abdomen. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination. Breasts are developed correctly, elastic, no hardening, no pigmentation. No discharge from nipples. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals. In mirrors: vaginal mucosa is clear, no inflammation. Hyperemia in site of mouth, abundant serous-purulent discharge in cervical canal. Cervix is conical. Mouth is closed. Uterine size is regular, dense, painless. Both appendages are sensitive, enlarged. Vaults are deep, painless. Cervical wet mount shows signs of inflammation. PCR: chlamydia. Diagnosis: Chronic adnexitis. Chlamydia infection. Prescription: SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, no more complaints, no infection in control PCR test.
      Female N.A., 24 y.o.
      Complaints of abundant purulent foamy discharge, burning sensation and itching in vagina and vulva, heavy feeling in lower abdomen over three days. Symptoms are progressing. Unprotected sex with a new partner was 2 weeks ago. Anamnesis: regular menstrual cycle. Last menstruation was 10 days ago. Sexual life since the age of 17. General condition: satisfactory. No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: hyperemia in labia minora, labia majora, vaginal entry. In mirrors: hyperemia in vaginal mucosa, vaginal part of cervix, swellings. In posterior vaginal arch, abundant yellow-greenish liquid foamy discharge with an unpleasant smell. Parous vagina. Cervix is elastic, cylindrical. Mouth is closed. Uterus is not enlarged, in a right position, movable, painless. Appendages in both sides are regular, painless. Regular parametrium. Deep vaginal vaults. Vaginal wet mount: signs of inflammation in vagina, trichomonas, PCR confirmed. Diagnosis: Trichomonal vulvovaginitis. Prescription: SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, no more complaints, no infection in PCR test.
      Female I.I., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular serous-purulent discharge, moderate nagging pain in lower abdomen over weeks. Anamnesis: serous discharge came 3 weeks ago. Earlier diseases: chicken pox, tonsillectomy in her childhood. Regular menstrual cycle. Two pregnancies resulted in healthy deliveries. Hormonal contraception over 3 years. General condition: satisfactory. No fever. No pathological signs in genitals. In mirrors: vaginal and cervical mucosae are hyperemic and swollen. Whitish plaque in vaginal folds, hardly removable. Bimanual examination: no pathological signs. Gynaecological examination: signs of inflammation in vagina. Positive PCR to ureaplasma. Diagnosis: vaginitis, ureaplasma infection. Prescription: SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, no more complaints, no infection in control PCR test.
      Female S.С., 33 y.o.
      Complaints of itching and burning sensation in vagina, scarce slimy discharge over 2 weeks. Vaginal irrigation with weak potassium permanganate solution resulted in some relief. Earlier diseases: rubella, scarlet fever in her childhood. Frequent colds as an adult. Regular menstruation. Last menstruation was 2 weeks ago. Sexual life since the age of 26. Two pregnancies resulted in healthy deliveries. No gynaecological conditions. Gynaecological examination in mirrors: swollen, hyperemic vaginal and cervical mucosae, discharge on vaginal walls. Parous vagina, cervix is cylindrical, mouth is closed. Uterus of regular size, dense, movable, painless, in a right position. Appendages are regular, painless. Regular vaults. Vaginal wet mount: signs of inflammation in vagina, positive PCR to Mycoplasma hominis. Diagnosis: Mycoplasma infection, vaginitis. Prescription: SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, no more complaints, no infection in control PCR test.
      Female V.В., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of scarce yellowish liquid vaginal discharge over 5 days. Vaginal irrigation with potassium permanganate and baking soda solutions resulted in no effect. Anamnesis: unprotected sex with a new partner was 2 weeks ago. Earlier diseases: measles, frequent anginas. Regular menstruation. Sexual life since the age of 18. Two pregnancies resulted in one healthy delivery and one medical abortion. Bio-rhythmic contraception and vaginal irrigation with potassium permanganate. In mirrors: no inflammation in vaginal walls (no hyperemia, no swelling). Some dense yellowish homogenous discharge in posterior arch. No pathological signs in vagina. Vaginal wet mount: signs of inflammation in vagina, diplococci, positive PCR to gonococci. Diagnosis: Gonorrhea. After antibacterial complex treatment, SCHALI- FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 15 days) to induce local immune response. After treatment, no more complains, no infection in control PCR test.
      Female V.B., 30 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain in lower abdomen, fever of C 37.8°C, weakness, nausea over 5 days. Anamnesis: menstruation ended with nagging pain in lower abdomen, low grade fever. Treatment with aspirin and no-spa resulted in no relief. More pain, nausea over last 2 days, fever of 38C. Menarche at the age of 13, regular, 5-6 days in a 28 days cycle, moderate, painless. Last menstruation ended under schedule 5 days ago. Sexual life since the age of 25. Three pregnancies: one delivery, 2 uncomplicated medical abortions. Contraception with IUD over 6 years. Earlier diseases: chronic adnexitis, twice in acute condition, hospitalised. General condition: moderately severe. Fever of 37,5°. Heart rate: 92 bpm, rhythmic. AT: 120/80 mmHg. Tongue is dry, with white plaque. Vesicular breathing, no rale. Heart tone is clear, rhythmic. Abdomen is moderately bloated, no abdominal breathing, abdomen is tense and very painful in left groin area. Regular stool. XII rib symptom is negative in both sides. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals. In mirrors: no sign of inflammation in vagina, cervix is regular, IUD ends in mouth, abundant purulent discharge in cervical canal. Cervix is cylindrical, mouth is closed, painful in movement. Uterus of regular size and density, clear contours, painful. Right and left appendages are swollen, no clear contours, dense, elastic, under posterior vaginal arch, painful. Blood test: Нb - 126 g/l, leukocytes 11x109, ESR 24 mm/h, left leukocytes formulation. Diagnosis: Bilateral Oophoritis. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). A break of 14 days was done after one month treatment, then SCHALI suppositories were repeated for 20 more days. Significantly better general condition, no fever, no complaints of intoxication, control lab tests are free.
      Female J.Y., 32 y.o.
      Сomplaints of ailing, acute pain in perineum, painful movements over 3 days. Fever of 37.4 С°. Menstruation is regular, last menstruation was 3 weeks ago. Sexual life since the age of 17. Anamnesis: chronic salpingoophoritis. General condition: satisfactory, fever of 37.0°C, heart rate is 82 bpm, no pathological signs in organs and systems. Status localis: slit is offset to the left, labia majora is enlarged, swollen, hyperemic. In palpation, sharp painfulness, enlargement and painfulness in groin LN on the left. In mirrors: examination is difficult because of high painfulness, no inflammation in vaginal mucosa, cervix is regular. Slimy discharge. Bimanual examination: regular cervix, dense. Mouth is closed, uterus of regular size, movable, painless. Regular appendages in both sides, painless. Free vaults. Diagnosis: left Bartholin gland inflammation. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No more complaints after 5 days of treatment, further treatment is recommended as prevention.
      Female C.К., 22 y.o.
      Сomplaints of abundant purulent foamy vaginal discharge, burning sensation and itching in vagina and vulva, heavy feeling in lower abdomen over 2 days. Symptoms are progressing. Hygiene care resulted in no relief. Unprotected sex with a new partner was 2 weeks ago. Anamnesis: Regular menstruation. Last menstruation was 10 days ago. Sexual life since the age of 16, not married. 2 pregnancies resulted in 2 medical abortions in weeks 8. and 10. Last abortion was one year ago. Biorhythmic contraception. General condition: satisfactory, fever of 36.8°C. No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: hyperemia in labia minora, labia majora, and vaginal entry. In mirrors: hyperemic vaginal and cervical mucosae, swelling. Abundant yellow-greenish liquid foamy discharge with an unpleasant smell in posterior vaginal arch. Parous vagina. Cervix is elastic, cylindrical. Mouth is closed. Uterus is of regular size, in a right position, movable, painless. Appendages are regular in both sides, painless. Regular parametrium. Deep vaginal vaults. Diagnosis: Trichomonal vaginitis. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. No more discharge, no more pain, no more itching, and no more burning sensation.
      Female C.К., 32 y.o.
      Сomplaints of itching and burning sensation in vagina, abundant purulent discharge over 3 weeks. Vaginal irrigation with potassium permanganate solution resulted in a short relief. Earlier diseases: measles rubella, scarlet fever in her childhood. Frequent colds as an adult. Regular menstruation, last menstruation was 2 weeks ago. Sexual life since the age of 25, married. 3 pregnancies resulted in 2 healthy deliveries and one medical abortion 3 years ago. No gynaecological conditions before. Gynaecological examination in mirrors: swollen and hyperemic vaginal and cervical mucosae, abundant purulent liquid discharge on vaginal walls. Parous vagina. Cervix is cylindrical, mouth is closed. Uterus of a regular size, dense, movable, painless, in a right position. Appendages are regular and painless. Regular vaults. Diagnosis: vaginitis. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Full recovery after treatment.
      Female J.Z., 35 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain in right lower abdomen and loin, fever of 37.6°, weakness, purulent bloody vaginal discharge over 2 days. Anamnesis: medical mini-abortion in week 5. was 5 days ago. Hospitalised. Severe condition one day before hospitalisation: acute pain in lower abdomen in the night time and in the morning, fever of 38,1°C. Regular menstruation. Sexual life since the age of 23. Earlier diseases: measles rubella, scarlet fever in her childhood. Bronchitis as an adult. General condition: moderately severe. Skin is pale rose, hyperemic face. Heart rate is 88 bpm, rhythmic, satisfactory tension. AT 120/70 mmHg. No pathological signs in heart and lungs. Tongue is dry, with grey plaque. Abdominal breathing, lower abdomen is painful in palpation, particularly in right side. No peritoneal inflammation. Negative XII rib symptom. Regular stool one day before. Gynaecological examination in mirrors: - No pathological signs in cervix, moderate turbid bloody purulent discharge in mouth. Bimanual examination: enlarged uterus, soft, offset to the left, painful in palpation. Left appendages are regular, painless. The same data in rectal examination. Blood test: Нb - 120 g/l., leukocytes 10,5х 109/l, ESR 28 mm/h. Diagnosis: acute endometritis. Prescription: drugs, outpatient care, SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Better general condition.
      Female P.F., 25 y.o.
      Сomplaints of scarce menstruation, periodic nagging pain in lower abdomen, weakness, fever of 37.4C, no pregnancy over 3 years. Anamnesis: this condition lasts for 2 years, scarce and rare menstruation (in 45-65 days), then nagging pain came in lower abdomen. No medical advice on infertility. No somatic, no gynaecological conditions before. Father suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis. Regular menstruation until the age of 22, 5 days in a 28-30 days cycle, moderate, painless. Married, no pregnancy before. No contraception. General condition: satisfactory. Regular stature, low weight. Fever – 37,2 C, heart rate – 80 bpm, AT – 110/70 mmHg. Tongue is wet and clear. Abdominal shape is regular, no bloating, soft and painless. No peritoneal inflammation. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals, female type body hair. Vaginal entry is regular, no inflammation. In mirrors: no vaginal inflammation, mucosa is clear, cervix is regular, slimy discharge. Free vagina, cervix is conical. Mouth is closed. Uterus of a regular size, dense, movable, painless. Appendages in both sides are regular, painless. Deep vaults. Diagnosis: genital tuberculosis. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. After one month treatment, significantly better condition, no more complaints, lab tests show better results.
      Female L.U., 30 y.o.
      Сomplaints of acute pain in right lower abdomen and loin, fever of 37,5°C, weakness, bloody purulent vaginal discharge over 3 days. Hospitalised. Anamnesis: one day before hospitalisation, acute severe condition, acute pain in lower abdomen in the night and in the morning, shiver, fever of 38,2°C. No menstrual dysfunction. Sexual life since the age of 23. 2 pregnancies resulted in urgent deliveries. No gynaecological conditions before. General condition: skin is pale rose, hyperemic face. Heart rate: 100 bpm, rhythmic, satisfactory tension. AT 120/70 mmHg. No pathological signs in lungs and heart. Tongue is dry, with grey plaque. Abdominal breathing, lower abdomen is painful in palpation, particularly to the right. No peritoneal inflammation. Negative XII rib symptom, regular stool one day before. Gynaecological examination in mirrors: No pathological signs in cervix, moderate turbid bloody and purulent discharge in mouth. Bimanual examination: uterus is enlarged as of 3-4 weeks pregnancy, soft, offset to the left, painful in palpation. Left appendages are regular, painless. Dense infiltration is palpated on the right of uterus, from uterine edge to pelvic wall, upper limit is 3 cm higher than occlusive ligament. Infiltration is painful in palpation, left vaginal arch mucosa is fixed. The same data in rectal examination. Blood test: Нb - 120 g/l, leukocytes12,5х 109/l, ESR 32 mm/h. Diagnosis: Right side parametritis. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. No complications in treatment. Currently, under gynaecological supervision.
      Female А.A., 35 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain in lower abdomen, periodic fever of 37,5°С, shiver, weakness, sweating. General condition: satisfactory. Skin and mucosa are pale rose. Respiratory rate is 20/min. Vesicular breathing. No rale. In percussion, clear pulmonary sound. Regular cardiac limits. Heart rate is 100 bpm, rhythmic. AT 120/70 mmHg. Tongue is wet, with white plaque. Abdomen is soft, some painfulness in lower divisions. No peritoneal inflammation. Liver and spleen are of a regular size. Regular urination. Regular condition of vaginal and cervical mucosae. Cervix s cylindrical, clear. Uterus is regular, clear, movable, slightly painful in palpation. Right appendages are painful, with unclear limits, enlarged to 10 cm, inflexible. Left appendages are enlarged to 8 cm, moderately painful, inflexible. Clear discharge. Blood test: negative to RW, AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. Total blood count: Нb 107 g/l, red cells 3,3%, l. 12,8%, p. 8%, с. 78%, l. 11%, mon 3%, ESR - 10 mm/h. Urinalysis: no pathological signs. Coagulogram: hypercoagulation (fibrinogen content 521 mg/dl, D-diameter 2,21 mkg/ml). Biochemical blood test: hyperproteinaemia (protein 57 g/l), hypoalbuminemia (albumin 27 g/l), beta –Hg in blood plasma on day 10 after PE negative (3 IU/l). Ultrasound: uterus 56х47х65 mm. Endometrium 18 mm. Right ovary 51х24х61 mm, a growth with thin walls behind uterus, which content in hyper-echo is 45х15х30 mm. Left ovary 65х38х62 mm. Lutein cysts in both ovaries. Diagnosis: chronic salpingoophoritis in acute stage, right side pyosalpinx. Endoscopically: adhesions are shared, salpingo ovariolysis, both tubes ectomy, chlorhexidine lavage in abdomen. Antibacterial desintoxication therapy in postsurgical rehabilitation. Prescription: SCHALI – FI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No fever after one day of treatment, no more pain, no shiver, no sweating. Blood test shows regular values. Released from hospital in generally condition satisfactory after 5 days of treatment. Further treatment with SCHALI suppositories is recommended to combine with estrogenic-hysterogenic drugs in 2 courses.
      Female V.H., 25 y.o.
      Сomplaints of ulcers in labia, swollen mucosa, enlarged LN. Anamnesis: no inherited diseases, no allergy. Menarche at the age of 13, irregular, of 5 days duration in a 35 – 42 days cycle, painful during first 2 days, intensive. No sexually transmitted infections, no tuberculosis, no hepatitis, no nervous conditions, no mental disorders. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft, painless, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, female type body hair, labia majora covers labia minora, no scars, no deformation. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose, urethra is regular. A chancre of 0.7 cm is in left labia. Bartholin’s and paraurethral glands are regular. No pathological signs after lab tests. Lab tests: acute inflammation, blood leukocytes – 5,2 * 109/l , ESR – 22 mm/h, Urinalysis: Leukocytes – 2 – 3 FOV, MPR ++++ RW ++++, titre 1:20, Hbs Ag, No AIDS. Diagnosis: syphilis. Solid chancre in genitals. Prescription: SCHALI-FH suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Normal lab tests results after 2 months of treatment.
      Female О.O., 49 y.o.
      Сomplaints of periodic itching and burning sensation in vagina. After examination, preliminary diagnosis of atrophic vaginitis. Colposcopy: thinning in vaginal mucosa, bleeding, sub-epithelial vascular net. Low karyopyknotic index 15% (reference value is 35-40%), low red cell ferments activity: phosphorylase 85 mg/g Hb (reference value is 110-160 mg/g Hb) and PHI 0,1 mkM/g Hb (reference value is 0,17-022 mkМ/g Hb). Atrophic vaginitis is confirmed in colposcopy. After one month medicamentous therapy, SCHALI-FH suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) are recommended. Control colposcopy and vaginal wet mount after 2 months of treatment showed no more bleeding, no more sub-epithelial vascular net, transudate in vagina. Higher KPI 35% (reference value is 35-40%), more active red cell ferments: phosphorylase 120 mg/g Hb (reference value is 110-160 mg/g Hb) and PHI 0,20 1 mkM/g Hb (reference value is 0,17-022 mkМ/g Hb). No more complaints of itching, burning sensation in vagina and irregular urination. Full recovery. No more complains during gynaecological supervision.
      Female S.A., 26 y.o.
      Сomplaints of aching pain in lower abdomen, abundant bloody vaginal discharge, fever of 37, 8 0С. Anamnesis: endomethritis surgery 10 days ago. General condition: moderately severe. Skin is pale rose, hyperemic face. Heart rate is 82 bpm, rhythmic, satisfactory tension. AT 120/70 mmHg. No pathological signs in heart and lungs. Tongue is dry, with grey plaque. Abdominal breathing. Lower abdomen is painful in palpation, particularly in left side. No peritoneal inflammation. Negative XII rib symptom, regular stool one day before. Gynaecological examination in mirrors: No pathological signs in cervix, moderate turbid bloody purulent discharge in mouth. Bimanual examination: enlarged uterus, soft, offset to the left, painful in palpation. The same results in rectal examination. Blood test: Нb - 120 g/l, leukocytesов 10,1х 109/l, ESR 24 mm/h. Diagnosis: Metrothrombophlebitis. Prescription: medicamentous therapy in hospital, SCHALI – FI suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Better general condition.
      Female D.T., 32 y.o.
      Douglas absces removed in surgery 5 days ago. Complaints of pain in lower abdomen, painful end of urination, frequent urge to defecation. Hectic hyperthermia. Abdominal breathing, abdomen is soft, painless in lower divisions. No peritoneal inflammation. No inflammation in wound. No pathological signs in lungs. Leukocytes – 18k. Abscess was opened under general anaesthesia, after searching puncture with subsequent washing cavity was drained. Diagnosis: Douglas absces. Prescription: medicamentous therapy in hospital, SCHALI – FI suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Better general condition.
      Female О.T., 29 y.o.
      Cervical erosion is diagnosed in regular examination, after colposcopy. Anamnesis: No inherited diseases. No allergy. Menarche at the age of 12, irregular, of 7 days in a 35 – 42 days cycle, painful within 2 days, excessive. No sexually transmitted infections, no tuberculosis, no hepatitis, no nervous conditions, no mental disorders. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft, painless, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, female type body hair, labia majora covers labia minora, no scars, no deformation. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose, urethra is regular. Bartholin’s and paraurethral glands are regular. No pathological signs after lab tests. Blood hormones: LH 8,4; FSH 7,2 IU/l; TTH 9,8 mIU/l; estradiol 126 pmol/l; testosterone 1,5 nmol/l. No abnormality after ultrasound. Diagnosis: cervical erosion (hormonal). Prescription: SCHALI-FH suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). After one month treatment and control colposcopy - no pathological signs in cervix.
      Female V.H., 26 y.o.
      Сomplaints of periodic serous-purulent vaginal discharge, periodic nagging pain in lower abdomen. Anamnesis: acute appendage inflammation 18 months ago, hospitalisation. Since that time, periodic pains as above, particularly after menstruation or colds. No medical device before. Menstrual function is regular. Last menstruation was 7 days ago. No pregnancies before. Constant sexual partner, contraception with pills. Her partner had chlamydia infection several years ago, treated, but no control test was done. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals. In mirrors: vaginal mucosa is clear, no inflammation. Hyperemia in mouth, abundant serous-purulent discharge in cervical canal. Cervix is conical. Mouth is closed. Uterine size is regular, dense, painless. Both appendages are sensitive, enlarged. Vaults are deep, painless. Diagnosis: chronic appendage inflammation, endocervicitis. SCHALI – FI suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) are prescribed in supplementation to medicamentous therapy. No complications in treatment. Currently, under gynaecological supervision.
      Female N.A., 25 y.o.
      Нospitalised with constant pain in lower abdomen, irradiated to loin, shiver, fever of 38°C, abundant purulent vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination over 5 days. Anamnesis: regular menstruation. Last menstruation was in time, 7 days ago. Sexual life since the age of 20, not married, no constant sexual partner. Sometimes contraception with condoms, sometimes biorhythmic contraception. 2 pregnancies resulted in uncomplicated medical abortions. Last sexual contact was 10 days ago. After menstruation, nagging pain in lower abdomen, purulent discharge. Trichopol and Aspirin resulted in no relief. More pain over last days, hyperthermia. General condition: moderately severe. Heart rate: 92 bpm, rhythmic, satisfactory tension. AT 110/70 mmHg. Fever of 38,8°C. No pathological signs in organs and systems. Tongue is dry, with white plaque. Abdomen is moderately bloated, abdominal breathing, abdomen is tense, painful in lower divisions, signs of peritoneal inflammation in lower abdomen. In percussion, no free fluid in pelvis. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals. Hyperemic mucosa in vaginal entry. In mirrors: hyperemic vaginal mucosa, cervix is regular, abundant purulent discharge in cervical canal. Parous vagina, cervix is cylindrical. Mouth is closed. Extremely painful in movement. Uterus and appendages are difficult to palpate because of acute painfulness and muscular tension in anterior abdominal wall. Deep vaults. Diagnosis: acute inflammation in uterine appendages, pelvic peritonitis, colpitis. Surgery, cavity is drained. In postsurgical rehabilitation, SCHALI – FI suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy are prescribed. Better general condition.
  • FMMenstrual Disorders

    • 1
      Female S.C., 29 y.o.
      Complaints of irritability, tearfulness, headache, nausea and sometimes vomiting, pain in heart area, tachycardia attacks, low memory, and flatulence. These symptoms come 6 days before her periods and disappear with menstruation (or during 2 first days of menstruation). Sexual life since the age of 17, not married, biorhythm contraception, never was pregnant. Examination: regular condition, heart rate of 96 bpm, regular heart rhythm. No bloated abdomen. In palpation, soft, but pain in lower abdomen. Gynaecological examination: urethra, cervix are regular. Bimanual examination: uterus and appendages without changes. Diagnosis: PMS. Prescription: SCHALI-FМ suppositories (1 suppositories 2 times a day intravaginally (rectally during menstruation) during one month.). General condition became significantly better. After treatment, no more complaints before and during menstruation.
      Female, A.A., 21 y.o.
      Complaints of scarce (30 – 40 ml) bloody vaginal discharge during 3 days, always preceding periods. Cutting pain in hypogastric area, rapid fatigue, general weakness, low performance. Menarche at the age of 13, periods became regular after 4 months. Duration of periods: 6 – 7 days, menstrual cycle of 27 days. 50 – 60 ml menstrual bleeding. Periods are not painful. 6 months after the first menstruation, female patient noted first bloody discharge one day before menstruation. Now bloody discharge is more intensive, 30 – 40 ml and painful. General condition in family: healthy. General condition of female patient is regular. Sort abdomen, no pain, negative Blumberg’s sign, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination of 1,5-2 l. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals, female type, conformed to age. Female type body hair. No varicose veins, no hiatus, no ulcer, no abrasion, no growth, no deformation, no prolapsed vaginal walls detected. Regular rear adhesion. External opening of urethra and paraurethral glands are not changed. Hymen is intact, with one central hole to pass a fingertip. Vaginal mucosa is pale rose, clean. Ultrasound: no pathological signs. Diagnosis: Metrorrhagia. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day, rectally) during 30 days. After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder.
      Female 29 y.o.
      Complaints of scarce irregular periods. Menarche: age of 12. Measles, meningoencephalitis –complicated at the age of 14, hereinafter irregular periods, high body weight index, excessive hair growth over upper lip and internal surface of hips during last 2 years. Never was pregnant. No allergy. Low alcohol consumption, no smoking. Regular periods at the age of 13. Menstrual cycle of 28 days, duration of menstruation is 3 days. Sexual life since 19, married, regular sexual life. No gynaecological conditions. No pathological discharge. Regular urination and stool. Stature is correct, hypersthene. Weight: 90 kg, height: 170 cm. Female type body hair. Breasts: moderate development, symmetrical, D=S, regular skin condition, regular vascular pattern. Regular nipples. In palpation, no hardening, no discharge from nipples. Regular development of vagina. Pale rose vaginal mucosa. No growth, no scars, parous. Cervix is regular, clear. Mouth is closed, outer mouth is slit-like, cervical mucosa is pale rose. Slimy discharge, transparent, moderate. Diagnosis: menstrual dysfunction, hypomenorrhea. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day, rectally) during 30 days. After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder.
      Female D.A., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of painful periods over 3 months. No medical advice before, no medications taken. At a younger age, irregular menstruation, once a half year, then once in 2-3 months. Scarce, slimy, white vaginal discharge with no smell, preceding menstruation. Generally, healthy family. No bad habits. No allergy. Earlier: measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox. In childhood, neurodermatitis treated with ointments, which names are not recalled. Family anamnesis: mother suffers from hypertension and varicose veins in lower limbs, father has peptic ulcer disease, and grandmother had bronchial asthma. General condition: regular. Soft abdomen, painless. Negative Blumberg’s sign, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, 1,5-2 l. Regular stool. Vagina is regularly developed, vaginal mucosa is pale rose. No growth, no scars, parous. Cervix is regular, clear. Mouth is closed, outer mouth is slit-like, cervical mucosa is pale rose. Slimy discharge, transparent, moderate. Diagnosis: Menstrual dysfunction, Algomenorrhea. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day, vaginally and rectally throughout menstruation) during 30 days. After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder, no more pains.
      Female К.A., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of no menstruation over 4,5 months. Anamnesis: menarche at the age of 12,5, first irregular, tended to Oligomenorrhea, menstrual cycle of 30–36 days. Sexual life since 18, not married, contraceptics. Earlier diseases: hepatitis, frequent colds, appendectomy at the age of 18, not complicated. No inherited diseases. General condition: regular. Female type body hair. Breasts: moderate development, symmetrical, no discharge from nipples. Gynaecological examination: no pathological signs. Blood hormones: LH 6.4; FSH 5.2 IU/l; PRL 582 mIU/l; TTH 1.8 mIU/l; estradiol 106 pmol/l; testosterone 1.5 nmol/l. Pelvic ultrasound: uterus 39 х 27 х 31mm, right ovary 3.6 cm3, left ovary 3.1 cm3. Diagnosis: Menstrual dysfunction. Amenorrhea. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ (1 suppository 2 times a day, vaginally. After 25 days, a scarce menstruation during 3–4 days.
      Female Р.B., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of no pregnancy over 4 years. No contraception. Gynaecological examination: regular condition, fallopian tubes are regular. Basal temperature during three menstrual cycles is single-phase. No female disorders. Earlier diseases: appendectomy in childhood, frequent colds. No inherited diseases. Both younger sister and mother have no menstrual disorders. General condition: height 168 cm, weight 50 kg Breasts: moderate development, symmetrical, no discharge from nipples. Female type body hair. Female stature. Dry and hypermic vagina and vulva. Cervical mucus tension 0–1 cm. Ultrasound: uterus 47 х 33 х 32 mm, right ovary 29 х 16 х 22 mm, left ovary 17 х 13 х 19 mm, no visible follicles. Blood hormones: FSH 52 IU/l, LH 39 IU/l, estradiol 70 pmol/l, prolactin 140 mIU/l. Diagnosis: Anovulatory syndrome. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ (1 suppository 2 times a day, rectally) during 30 days. After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder.
      Female S.В., 24 y.o.
      Complaints of abundant (200 ml) bloody vaginal discharge, cutting pain in hypogastric area; rapid fatigue, general weakness, low performance. Menarche at the age of 14, periods became regular after 5 months. Duration of periods: 6 – 7 days, menstrual cycle of 28 days. 60-70 ml menstrual bleeding. Periods are not painful. 7 months after the first menstruation, female patient noted first bloody discharge one day before menstruation. Now bloody discharge is more intensive, 170 – 200 ml and extreme painful. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals, female type, conformed to age. Female type body hair. Ultrasound: no pathological signs. Diagnosis: Menorrhagia. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day, rectally) during 30 days. After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder.
      Female S.N.., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of a short menstrual cycle of 16-18 days, painful menstruation. No reason is known to the patient. No medical advice before, no mediations taken. No inherited diseases. General condition: height 175 cm, weight 56 kg. Hyposthenia. Low physical development. Small breasts, soft. No discharge from nipples. Female type body hair, scarce. Dry and hypermic vagina and vulva. Cervical mucus tension 0–1 cm. Ultrasound: uterus 45х 33 х 32mm, right ovary 295х 15 х 13 mm, left ovary 19 х 15 х 18 mm, no visible follicles. Blood hormones: FSH 52 IU/l, LH 39 IU/l, estradiol 70 mmol/l, prolactin 140 mIU/l. Diagnosis: Ovarian dysfunction. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ (1 suppository 2 time a day vaginally (rectally throughout menstruation) during 60 days). After treatment, no more complaints, no more menstrual disorder.
      Female I.P., 53 y.o.
      Complaints of excessive hot flash, sweating, heartbeat, particularly at the night time. Menopause over 8 months. Also complaints of hypertension, insomnia, dizziness, tearfulness. High appetite. Swelling in facial tissues, in hands and feet. Gynaecological examination: small uterine fibroids. Anamnesis: Hyperthyroidism. One child, non-complicated delivery. At the age of 39, right ovary was removed due to cystic disease. Arterial tension is regular, 140/85 mmHg. Tongue is moist, with white bloom. Abdomen is soft, slightly painful in lower divisions. No symptoms of peritoneal irritation. Liver and spleen are regular in size. No dysuria. Vaginal wet mount: no pathological signs. Cervix is regular, clean. Blood test: Нв - 120 g/l, leukocytes 10,1х 109/l, ESR 24 mm/h. Diagnosis: Menopause. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-FМ (1 suppository 2 times a day) during 30 days. дней). After treatment, no more complaints, no more dizziness, no swollen face etc.
      Female B.N., 26 y.o.
      Complaints of no menstruation over one year after childbirth. Overweigh index at the end of lactation period is 32, then 26 kg lost during one year without any medication. Now overweight index is 27. Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Estrogen-deficient condition with autonomic symptoms, characteristic for pathological menopausal transition. Family anamnesis: mother suffered premature menopause at the age of 35, aunt had menopause at the age of 37. Ovarian biopsy and pathological examination of biopsy specimens detected premature ovarian failure. Prescription: hormonal injections plus SCHALI – FМ suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). After treatment, significantly better condition, scarce menstruation.
      Female B.F., 17 y.o.
      Hospitalized with complaints of irregular menstrual cycle, delays of 2-3 months, scarce periods and no periods over 2 last months. Anamnesis and examination: no acute neither chronic conditions, neither infections, neither pregnancy. General condition: weight 91kg, height 174 cm, overweight index = 30 kg/m2. Blood hormones: gonadotropin (LH = 5,6 mIU/l, FSH = 4.5 mIU/l), low estradiol and low progesterone in blood serum (estradiol 21 pg/ml, progesterone 1,1 nmol/l). Diagnosis: Oligomenorrhea. Normogonadotropic ovarian hypofunction. Prescription: hormonal injections plus SCHALI – FМ (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Control examination after 6 months: regular menstrual cycle, overweight index is 26 kg/m2.
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  • FUUrinary System Diseases

    • 1
      Female J.B., 42 y.o.
      Complaints of pains in pubic area, unpleasant sensation by the end of urination, flakes in urine and mucus over last 6 months. Earlier relapsed cystitis treated with the antibiotics prescribed. No more chronic diseases. Examination and tests: leukocyturia, Escherichia coli in urine, signs of urine-acid diathesis (oxaluria). Leucoplakia of 0.5 cm detected in the left part of triangle of Leto after diagnostic cystoscopy. Diagnosis: chronic urinary tract infection, bladder leucoplakia. Prescription: SCHALI®–FU Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Significantly less pain on day 10 of treatment. Control cystoscopy on day 30 showed less leucoplakia size of 0.3 cm. Laser coagulation made. No more complaints.
      Female P.Y. 23 y.o.
      Complaints of frequent, painful urination, sharp and nagging pain in pubic area. No fever, no pain in loin. Symptoms came 3 days ago after overcooling. Earlier 2 acute cystitis cases, latest was 2 months ago, female patient took antibiotics at her own risk. Anamnesis: mother suffered from chronic cystitis. No allergy, no pernicious habits. Normal physical condition. In palpation, pains in pubic area, Pasternatsky’s sign is negative in both sides, turbid urine, diuresis of 2l. Urine tests show leukocytes in all fields of view, gynaecological test results are normal, no sexually transmitted infections detected. Ultrasonography shows regular kidneys in both size and structure, no changes in pelvic organs, parenchyma is not incrassate. Diagnosis: chronic bacterial cystitis in acute condition. Female patient rejected antibiotics. Prescription: SCHALI®–FU Suppositories (two times a day during 10 days). Better general condition, dysuria ceased on day 2. Control urine test on day 7.: normal number of leukocytes.
      Female О.A., 28 y.o.
      Complaints of sharp pain while urinating, fever of 37.5 оС, pain in right loin, general weakness, ailing over 8 days. First complaints were on frequent, painful urination, sharp pain while urinating, and were treated by the patient with herbal medicine. After fever and pain in right loin came 2 days ago, the patient asked for medical advice. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft, painless, Blumberg’s sign is negative, tapotement sign is positive in right side, painful urination, regular urination in time and volume. Total blood count: leukocytes 9, 2 mmol/l, stem neutrophil – 3%, Urinalysis: leukocytes 40-50FOV. Ultrasound: thickening of 2.2 cm in right kidney parenchyma, cavity is not enlarged, no stones, bladder is round, regular bladder wall size of 5 mm. Diagnosis: acute cystitis, acute ascending pyelonephritis on the right. The patient rejected hospitalisation. Indication: antibacterial drugs, SCHALI – FU Suppositories (two times a day during 20 days). Better general condition on day 1 of treatment, no fever, regular urination. General condition after the treatment: satisfactory, regular lab tests results.
      Female Т.A., 35 y.o.
      Complaints of unpleasant feeling in urethra while urinating, some nagging pain in left loin over one week. First complain was related to some unpleasant feeling while urinating as a reaction to a diet. No allergy. No injuries, no surgeries. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft, painless. Slightly positive Pasternatsky’s sign, frequent urination, diuresis of 2l. Total blood count: regular condition. Urinalysis: large oxalates number. Ultrasound: no enlargement in kidneys, echo (+) inclusions of 2-3 mm in both kidneys, no stones. Diagnosis: urine-acid diathesis, oxaluria. Indication: diet, SCHALI – FU Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Less complaints of urination on day 3 of treatment. Control Urinalysis: no oxaluria signs after one month treatment.
      Female V.В., 38 y.o.
      Complaints of burning sensation while urinating (all steps of urination), redness and unpleasant feeling in urethra over 2 weeks, probably due to poor intimate hygiene. The patient says to suffer from poor hygienic conditions in country side. No allergy. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory. No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: hyperemic labia minora and urethra. Total blood count: regular condition. Urinalysis: leukocytes 25-30 FOV. Ultrasound: no enlargement in kidneys, no stones, regular condition of bladder. Diagnosis: Urethritis. Indication: SCHALI – FU Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), SCHALI ® Care – FI Spray to treat urethra. No more complaints on day 2 of treatment.
      Female J.Е., 56 y.o.
      Complaints of frequent urination in small portions, false urge to urination over 2 years. Earlier diseases: neurogenic bladder, treated in urological clinics, better condition after release, then worsening. No allergy. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory, pain in suprapubic area in palpation, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, frequent urination, light colour of urine, diuresis of 2l. Total blood count: regular condition. Urinalysis: low oxalates number. Ultrasound: no enlargement in kidneys, no stones. Diagnosis: hyperactive bladder. Indication: diet, SCHALI – FU Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), physiotherapy. Less urge to urination, no more false urge to urination after treatment. Better general condition.
      Female Т.U., 63 y.o.
      Complaints of involuntary leakage of urine while coughing, sneezing, abdominal muscles tension over 2 years. First signs came with some involuntary leakage of urine while sneezing. Leakage progressed. No medical advice before, to treatment before. The patient used incontinence towels. No allergy. No bad habits. General condition: satisfactory. No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, diuresis of 2l. Regular stool. Gynaecological examination: regularly developed genitals, uterine prolapse. Total blood count: regular condition. Urinalysis: leukocytes 6 – 8 FOV, low oxalates number. Ultrasound: no enlargement in kidneys, no stones, Diagnosis: stress-related urinary incontinence. Indication: SCHALI – FU Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), physiotherapy, exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles. Better control of urination after one month treatment. Less complains.
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  • FAAutoimmune Systemic Diseases

    • 1
      Female E.I., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of pain and stiffness in knee, elbow and finger joints, pain under shoulder blades while deep breathing, shortness of breath, general weakness, low-grade fever. Acute condition was noticed 10 months ago, sharp pains in right wrist, stiffness, weakness in hands and feet, pains in loin, 38°С fever. Female patient called her attending medical doctor, who diagnosed reactive polyarthritis and prescribed NSAID. Better condition after one month of treatment. However, then first rash over bridge of the nose and cheeks, like a butterfly. Allergic reaction to amoxicillin, allergic reaction to pollen in the form of edematous rhinitis. General conditions: satisfactory, stature is regular, normosthenic build, height: 153 cm, weight: 44 kg. Macula-papular rash of round shape, pink colour, different diameter (max 2 mm) over face. Spots of irregular shape and pale red colour over palms and toes. No flakes, no scars. Nail plates are regular. Regular subcutaneous fat. No swellings. Thyroid gland, peripheral LN not palpated. Muscular system function is regular, no atrophy, no pains. Regular joints, no swellings, no irritation. Lab tests: antinuclear factor 1:32; circulatory immune complexes 0.1; LE- cells and numerous hyaline balls in blood; leukopenia; anemia. Diagnosis: Systemic lupus erythematosus. Prescription: hormonal and cytostatic drugs, SCHALI– FА suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). After treatment, less pain, less weakness, and less stiffness.
      Female S.C., 46 y.o.
      Complaints of regular pain sensation in knee, hip, elbow, wrist joints, particularly in movement. Constant pain in left ankle joint, swelling. Stiffness in the morning, ca. 1 hour. Condition over 7 years, first symptoms were pain and swollen left wrist. About one week she was in outpatient care. Diagnosis is no more known. Irregular pains in knee and wrist joints over 2 years. Medical advice on general painfulness in knee, foot and wrist joints. Earlier diagnosis: reactive arthritis, then rheumatoid arthritis, seropositive type. NAIDs over 2 years, intraarticular drugs were effective and relieved pains. Sporadic pain in knee, elbow and hip joints relieved without medications. More pain in left ankle joint. Inherited diseases: mother and grandmother suffered rheumatoid arthritis. No allergic reactions. General condition is regular. Soft abdomen, painless, regular stool. X-ray: ankle joints - signs of rheumatoid arthritis III D. in left ankle and subtalar joints. X-ray: feet and wrists – signs of rheumatoid arthritis III-IV d. no negative dynamics. ECG: sinus rhythm, dystrophic changes in myocardium. Diagnosis: Rheumatoid arthritis, slowly progressed, seropositive, activity – I, grade – III, FCS – II. Prescription: NSAIDs, SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). After treatment, less pain, less swellings, and less stiffness.
      Female N.N., 36 y.o.
      Complaints of chilliness, cold and bluish discoloration in toes, stiffness in hand joints, stagnation in face and hands. Examination: amimic face, narrowing of oral cleft like a pouch, skin in cheeks and hands is thickened, tips of fingers are pale, cold. No incompatibility with food, drugs, vaccines, serums etc. No allergic reactions. General condition is regular. Clear consciousness. Active. Regular skin colour, regular humidity. Skin is elastic, turgor of tissues is regular. Subcutaneous fat is regular, but thickness of folds at umbilicus is 1.5 cm. Visible mucosa is rose, wet, clear. Thyroid gland is sensitive in palpation, tough, enlarged, right segment is larger. Heart rate: 90 bpm, symmetric, rhythmic, full, tension in regular. AT 120/70 mmHg. Cardiac sounds are clear, sonorous, rhythmic. Respiratory rate 22/min. Relative percussion: clear pulmonary sound in symmetrical points. Vesicular breathing. Abdomen is regular, soft, painless. Liver on edge of costal arch, edge is sharp, elastic, painful. Visible changes in lumbar region are not detected. Negative tapping symptom in lumbar area. Blood: Red cells - 3,8х 1012/l, L - 4,8x109/l, ERS - 25 mm/h. CRP (++). Diagnosis: Systemic sclerosis. Prescription: vasodilators, antiplatelet drugs, antifibrotic drugs, SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). After treatment, no more complaints, less stiffness and significantly better general condition.
      Female P.C., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of fever of 37.4 °С, pain in loin and red urine next to hemorrhagic rash in lower limbs. First signs came 3 days ago after cold. Anamnesis: first of three children in the family, generally healthy. Earlier diseases: rare colds, at the age of 11-12, the patient was hospitalised for one month due to rheumatic heart disease, then 3 years in outpatient care. Chronic cystitis. No tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted diseases in the family. No injuries. No bad habits, no intoxications. Examination: pale skin, hemorrhagic rash in feet and hips, symmetric damage. Heart rate: 90/min., AT - 115/90 mmHg. Pasternatsky’s sign is weakly positive in both sides. Blood: L - 9,6х109/l, Tr - 115х10 9/l, ESR - 31 mm/h. Urine: protein -0,33 g/l, Red cells modified 3-40 U FOV, L -5-8 U FOV. Diagnosis: Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Prescription: anticoagulants, hormonal drugs, SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Since day 14, significantly better general condition, no more fever, less rash, no more pain.
      Female D.I., 29 y.o.
      Acute condition 6 months ago, firstly fever of 38,4°С, pain in knee joints and gastrocnemius muscles. 10 kg weight loss. No provoking factors like stress, acute and chronic infections are known. Subcutaneous fat is poorly expressed. Lymph nodes are not visible. In palpation, submandibular, axillary, inguinal lymph nodes are regular. No pain, no adheions. Regular muscular condition. No atrophy, no deformation, no asymmetry, no pain in facial and cerebral palpation. Shape of thorax is conical. No deformation, no fracture. No pathological curvatures in spine, no deformation in pelvic bones. No pain in joints after active and passive movements, no displacement. Hypertension of 170/100 mmHg, some painful nodes along forearm arteries in palpation. Blood: ESR – 50 mm/h. Urine: protein – 1,63 g/l, red blood cells modified and unmodified 35-40 U FOV. Diagnosis: Periarteritis nodosa. Prescription: SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). During treatment, significantly better general condition, better appetite, less pain on joints and muscles.
      Female C.A., 21 y.o.
      Complaints of skin irritation, hypermic skin, swelling, rash after depilation in feet. Prescription: SCHALI ® Care Dermic Spray on damaged skin until full recovery. Since day 1 of treatment, less irritation. Rash relieved after 3 days of treatment.
      Female К.Y., 19 y.o.
      2 weeks ago released after moderate lacunar angina of streptococcic origin. The female patient took her antibiotics prescribed at home. Recovery on day 8. Examination results show moderate tachycardia (heart rate is 90 beats per minute), clear cardiac tone, arterial tension 110/60 mmHg. No pathologic signs in electrocardiogram. Diagnosis: rheumatism (active phase). Patient rejected hospitalization, outpatient care, prescribed: antibacterial drugs, NSAIDs, SCHALI®–FА Suppositories (two times a day within 30 days). Less complaints on day 7. Control tests on day 30: all values are clear.
      Female C.I., 36 y.o.
      Complaints of weakness, apathy, swollen face, poor memory. No medical aid before. Noticeable worsening 2 months ago after a stressful experience: no more powers, quickly occurring tiredness, low stamina, body mass increase, broken menstrual cycle (2-3 weeks delay). Diagnosis after hormonal tests and ultrasonography: chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, atrophic condition, hypothyroidism. Hormonal therapy and SCHALI®–FА Suppositories (two time a day within 30 days in 2 courses after a 14 days break). Better general condition noticed: better mood and productivity, no more swellings, 2.5 kg weight lost, normal menstrual cycle. Hormonal tests showed better results. Control ultrasonography of thyroid gland: left segment grows up to 2.9 cm3, right segment is 2.6 cm3.
      Female C.I., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of crusts over elbow and neck skin, exfoliation, dry skin, excessive itching. Worse condition inside the flat, particularly while cleansing, in March and September, and in summer in country side. Allergic reaction to pets. Anamnesis: allergic reactions since small baby (3 months old), cause is unknown. First, rash was located in popliteal space, now on backside of wrists, face and neck. Itching is more intensive in evening. Allergic reaction to citrus and chocolate. General condition is satisfactory. Soft abdomen, no pains, regular stool. Status localis: lichenified skin on flexor surface of upper limbs – antecubital fossa, infiltrated and hypermic skin on flexor surface ends. On extensor surfaces of upper limbs, hypertrophic papules of 3 mm, numerous linear scars in scratching sites. Erythematous-squamous lesions over body. Pronounced folding of abdominal skin and hyperpigmentation in site of folds, hyperkeratosis in nipples, persistent white dermic pattern. Sweat and sebaceous glands are regular. Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis, allergic reaction to pollen and household allergens. Prescription: anti-allergic diet, antihistamines, SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) and SCHALI ® Care Dermic Spray on damaged skin. After one month treatment, no more itching, less pain and irritation.
      Female B.I., 40 y.o.
      Complaints of rash over palms and foot undersides. Anamnesis: skin diseases over 3 years, treated with corticosteroid ointments without medical advice. Some relief and better condition in summer. No allergy. No reaction to water. As a professional hair stylist, the patient works in standing. Examination: symmetric damage on undersides of both hands and feet. Infiltrated, pink-red coloured skin with large flakes and cracks. Limits of damages are clear, scalloped edge facing, Nail plates in hands are slightly thickened, regular colour, many of them have deeper points next each other in rows. Pain while walking. Diagnosis: Psoriasis in palms and soles. Prescription: SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) and SCHALI ® Care Dermic Spray over damaged skin. After one month treatment, rash and exfoliation in palms and foot underside was significantly reduced.
      Female M.C., 26 y.o., painter
      Complaints of redness, swellings in face and hands, rash in form of numerous vesicles, itching, more intensive in the evening, poor sleep. First signs of redness and exfoliation in wrists were registered 2 years ago and treated with Celestoderm ointment. During summer vocation, rash disappeared and came again once the patient came back to work. Examination: facial skin is sharply edematous, hyperemic. Palpebral fissures are greatly reduced due to swelling. Skin in hands is tough, and has stagnant-red colour, strongly exfoliated in back surfaces, also excessive rush in the form of numerous vesicles, points of erosion, secreting a serous exudate, serous and hemorrhagic crusts. Diagnosis: Eczema, occupational disease. Prescription: anti-allergic diet, antihistamines, SCHALI– FА Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) and SCHALI ® SMART hydrogel on problem sites. After one month treatment, no more complaints of itching, less rash.
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  • FNNervous System Diseases and Neurodegenerative Disorders

    • 1
      Female V.Т., 36 y.o.
      Complaints of insomnia over 2 weeks, early wakeup (at 4-5 a.m.), nightmare, poor depth and duration of sleep, worse general condition in the morning. Symptoms came after a stressful experience in her office 2 weeks ago. Poor rest, high responsibility. No inherited diseases. AT: 110/80 mmHg, heart rate: 66 bpm. Deep reflexes are retained, sufficient power in lower limbs. Pronounced paravertebral lumbar muscular strain. Sensitivity is not affected. Prescription: SCHALI– FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day). Clear positive effect after first three days of treatment. No more complaints of sleep.
      Female N.A., 48 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular spasms in abdomen and throat of different localisation, travelling to stomach, rectum etc., sometimes feeling of acute tension and pain. Sometimes paroxysmal pain in the night, fear and anxiety attacks. High heart rate, shiver, nausea and nearly loss of consciousness. Slowly progressing condition, no gastrointestinal and no cardiovascular diseases earlier. Female patient used to work hard for career growth for a long time. Antidepressants resulted in some alleviation, but gave also side effects of stupefaction, alienation. No inherited diseases. AT: 120/80 mmHg, heart rate: 68 bpm. Deep reflexes are retained, sufficient power in lower limbs. General condition: satisfactory. No pathological signs in thorax and pelvis. Regular stool. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ECG: no pathological signs. Diagnosis: vegetative-vascular dystonia. Prescription: SCHALI–FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 20 days). No more complaints of anxiety, nightmare. After one month treatment: regular heart rate, no more spasm in throat. Abdominal spasm is rarer and less stress-related.
      Female I.M., 49 y.o.
      Complaints of dizziness, unsteadiness in walk over 4 years. First symptoms: dizziness after irregular arterial tension (once AT 90/60 mmHg, regular AT 110/70 mmHg). Clear consciousness, active lifestyle. General condition: satisfactory. Clear speech, adequate response. Full orientation in time and space. Normosthenic stature, regular weight. Heart rate: 75 bpm in both wrists. Respiratory rate: 18/min, AT: 120/75. Height: 170 cm, weight: 65 kg. Skin and mucosa are rose, clear, dry, low turgor. No pigmentation, no rash, no scratching traces. Low body hair. Eye balls: in the middle. Pupil light reaction - direct: fast, equal. D=S; - together: fast, equal, D=S. Accommodation and convergence are retained. Diagnosis: systemic dizziness. Prescription: SCHALI– FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No more complaints after treatment.
      Female I.I., 47 y.o.
      Complaints of constant pain in cervical spine, irradiating to right arm, more pain after exercise, numbness in right wrist in the night, irregular headache, pressing and compressing pain in occipital area after prolonged work at PC, frequent (2-3 times a week) events of dizziness, unsteadiness in walk. Two faintness events over last year, probably related to a long travel in public transport. Pain in neck over 3 years, probably related to long sitting at PC, stressful job etc. Acute conditions: 1-2 times a year. General condition: satisfactory. Normosthenic stature, regular weight. Skin is clear and dry, pale rose. Regular peripheral lymph nodes. No swellings. Vesicular breathing, no rale. Respiratory rate: 16/min. Hear tone is clear, rhythmic. AT: 130/90 mmHg. Tongue is wet, no plaque. Abdomen is soft and painless in palpation. Liver and spleen: regular condition. Tapotement symptom is negative. Active lifestyle. Slightly limited movement in cervical spine. Flattened cervical lordosis, kyphosis and right-sided scoliosis in thoracic spine, shoulder girdle and awns of blades are in asymmetrical horizontal position. In palpation, pain in spinous processes of S2-S7 vertebrae and paravertebral points at the same level, sharp pain in right scapula, pain in right ulnar styloid. Cervical spine MRI: flattered cervical lordosis. Vertebral bodies height: regular condition. Subchondral sclerosis in closing plates. No signs of bone destruction. Low intervertebral disc Т2-signal due to dehydration. IVD protrusion of 2 mm and 2.1 mm in S2-S3, S4-S5. Diagnosis: IVD cervical spine disorder. Neuralgia. Prescription: analgesic, vascular, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise, SCHALI–FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 20 days), SCHALI ® SMART Antiarthritis Hydrogel over neck 2 times a day. No more complaints after treatment.
      Female M.G.: 35 y.o.
      Complaints of asymmetric face, drooped mouth corner, weakness, pain in occipital area and unpleasant feeling in right side of the face. Right-sided ptosis, no mimics in forehead, no narrow eyes mimics. Flatted right nasolabial fold. Mouth slit is drawn to the left in grin. Right palpebral aperture is wider. Right eyelid is not closed completely. Complaints on headache, pain in temples and nape over one year. Acute pain in cervical and lumbar spine in the autumn, after acute respiratory infection. General condition: satisfactory. Active lifestyle. Clear consciousness. Signs of meningeal syndrome: headache, vomiting. General hyperesthesia, photophobia, soreness in eyeballs in movement, muscular stiffness in neck, both Kernig's sign and Brudziński's sign are negative. Diagnosis: right facial nerve neuropathy, moderate severity, acute phase. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, reflexotherapy, SCHALI– FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), SCHALI ® SMART Antiarthritis Hydrogel over face 2 times a day. Better mimics in eyes area after one week of treatment. Significantly better function in right facial muscles after 10 days of treatment. No more complaints of ptosis, free mimics in forehead, right eyelid closes freely, symmetrical nasolabial folds after one month treatment.
      Female V.B., 34 y.o.
      Complaints of pulsating fronto-temporo-occipital headache, mostly on the right. Weakness in left upper and lower limbs 20-30 min before headache attacks. Duration of headache attack: between 4-h and 2-3 days. Regular headache since the age of 15, earlier once a month, now 3-6 times a month. Probably, because of intensive exercise, night shifts. Both her father and brother suffer similar headache attacks. General condition: satisfactory. Normosthenic stature, regular weight. Skin is clear and dry, pale rose. Regular peripheral lymph nodes. No swellings. Vesicular breathing, no rale. Respiratory rate: 16/min. Heart tone: clear, rhythmic. AT: 130/90 mmHg. Tongue is wet, no plaque. Abdomen is soft and painless in palpation. Liver and spleen: regular condition. Tapotement symptom is negative. Regular condition out of headache attacks. Cerebral MRI: no pathological signs. Diagnosis: migraine. Prescription: SCHALI– FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) and SCHALI ® SMART Antiarthritis Hydrogel over temporal area 2 times a day. Significantly rarer headache attacks after the treatment course.
      Female K.К., 29 y.o.
      Complaints of disturbance of sensation, feeling of numbness in left half of the body and face, numbness in right hand, muscular weakness throughout the body, difficulties in performance of fine actions with hands (difficulty in writing), low-frequency noise in ears over 5 years. In outpatient care, cerebral MRI: demyelination, successfully treated with corticosteroids. 4 acute conditions over 5 years. Earlier diagnosis: remitting multiple sclerosis. Remission of 3 weeks between 2 last events (remission of 18 months was registered before). Highly-effective therapy with corticosteroids resulted in some side effects of unsteadiness in walk, low fine motor skills and episodic diplopia during the remission period. General condition: signs of affected cerebellum (Romberg’s sign, dysmetria, adiadochokinesia, unsteadiness in walk, intention tremor, local atony), lesions localised in worm (broken statics) and in hemispheres (broken kinetics). Signs of affected pyramidal system (high tendon reflexes, pathological reflexes), signs of affected cranial nerves nuclei (paresis in left lower half of the face, oculomotor disorders). Diagnosis: multiple sclerosis in cerebral spine, acute phase. Prescription: hormonal therapy, SCHALI– FN Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better motoric function, less noise in ears, less muscular weakness after one month treatment.
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    • Can I apply SCHALI® Care Suppositories in combination with phytotherapy, if I’m allergic?
      Yes, you can. SCHALI® Care products are hypoallergenic and consist of 100% bio natural active ingredients. All SCHALI® Care products are fully compatible with each other and show a strong synergistic effect while used in combination with other therapeutic drugs.
      Why do suppositories cause redness in site of application in the first week? Shall I stop using your products or shall I consult my healthcare specialist?
      Such temporary symptoms as local redness or heat sensation are signs of individual response and cease soon. However, if you have unpleasant sensations after each use, you are recommended to break using the product for several days. If you have the same sensations after that break, you are recommended to consult your healthcare specialist.
      May I start applying your products, if I’ve just completed a course of therapy, but unfortunately without noticeable results, or I need first to make a break before I start using your products?
      You may begin using SCHALI® Care products right now, no break is needed.
      Can I use your products, if I already take my prescribed medicines (pills, injections, rectal preparations?
      Yes, you can use SCHALI® Care Products for best results and faster recovery, if only you have no acute conditions. Please consult your attending doctor to update your course of therapy.
      I interrupted the course of SCHALI® Care suppositories for the third time because of my numerous business trips I had to do. Shall I start the course of treatment from the very beginning or shall I consult my attending medical doctor?
      It’s undesirable to interrupt the course of treatment. You have to proceed with the course and make up for the missed doses of SCHALI® suppositories.
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  • MFProstate Malfunction

    • 1
      Male К.L., 69 y.o.
      Complaints of low urine flow, difficult urination over 5 years, treated with pumpkin seeds, prostamol-uno (1 capsule one a day during 3 months in regular courses). General condition: satisfactory, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regularly developed genitals, frequent urination, diuresis of 2 l. Rectal examination: enlarged and tough prostate, homogenous, interlobar line is smooth. Ultrasound: kidneys are normal in size, parenchyma is structurally retained, no enlargement in pelvic systems. Round bladder, no structural charges, wall of 6 mm. Enlarged prostate 56 cm3, heterogeneous due to adenomatous nodes of 1 cm in both lobes. Rest urine of 20 ml. PSA – 0,4 ng/ml. Diagnosis: benign prostatic hyperplasia I, II G. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as monotherapy. Better urine flow, better urination pattern after treatment.
      Male B.N., 49 y.o.
      Complaints of penis curvature of approximately 15-20 degrees and unpleasant sensation during sex. First symptoms were noticed 2.5 years ago. Irregular sex life, numerous business trips. General condition is normal. Pasternatsky’s sign is negative in both sides, regular urination, sufficient diuresis. Genitals are normally developed. Prostate is not enlarged towards rectum, painless, elastic. Sonography: kidneys are normal in size, no displacement, parenchyma is structurally retained, no enlargement in pelvic systems, prostate is V=23cm3, homogenous and of normal echogenicity and structure. Further ultrasonography of penis showed a fibromatous plaque of 0.4 cm in the right cavernosa. Diagnosis: Peyronie’s disease. Prescription: SCHALI®-MF Suppositories (2 times a day during 30 days), SCHALI® SMART ANTIVIRUS Hydrogel over fibromatous plaque (2-3 times a day during one month). After one month treatment, less curvature by 5 degrees.
      Male D.S., 18 y.o.
      Complaints of nagging pain in left scrotum part, particularly after exercise, unpleasant feeling in suprapubic area. First signs came 3 years ago with some hardening in left scrotum part, less sensitive while lying down and appearing again while straining anterior abdominal wall. General condition: satisfactory, normosthenic stature, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, sufficient diuresis. Rectal examination: prostate is painless, of regular size. Enlarged botryoidal plexus veins in left scrotum part, in palpation. Positive Valsalva maneuver. Diagnosis: left testis varicocele. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), SCHALI Hydrogel over scrotum skin 2-3 times a day during 1 month. No more pain in day 10 of treatment.
      Male М.H., 34 y.o.
      Complaints of some swelling in right scrotum part, unpleasant feeling in right testicle. Anamnesis: acute right-sided epididymitis 6 month ago, treated in outpatient care with injections, pills, poultice and antibacterial drugs. Control lab tests: regular condition. Control ultrasound one month after treatment: reactive hydrocele 7 ml. General condition: satisfactory, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regularly developed genitals, painless scrotum. Slightly enlarged right testicle, in palpation. Ultrasound: testicles of regular size, appendages are not enlarged, regular echogenicity, regular structure. Free fluid (10 ml) in right testicle. Diagnosis: right-sided hydrocele. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), SCHALI Hydrogel over right scrotum part 2-3 times a day during one month. Control ultrasound one month after treatment: less free fluid 6 ml.
      Male Z.S., 49 y.o.
      Complaints of a growth in right testis upper pole. General condition: satisfactory, normosthenic stature, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, sufficient diuresis. Rectal examination: painless prostate, regular in size. A soft elastic painless growth is palpated in appendage head of right testicle. Ultrasound: one-chamber cyst of 1.5*0.8 cm in right testis. Diagnosis: right-sided epididymal cyst. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), SCHALI Hydrogel over right scrotum part 2-3 times a day during one month. Control ultrasound one month after treatment: less cyst size 0.6 х 0.4 cm. Treatment in progress.
      Male S.С., 21 y.o.
      Complaints of a growth in right groin area. Anamnesis: surgery of right cryptorchidism as a child. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless in all divisions, negative Blumberg’s sign, negative tapotement symptom in both sides. Regular urination, sufficient diuresis, regularly developed genitals. A round soft, elastic, painless growth of 1.5 cm is palpated in right inguinal area. Ultrasound: right testicular cyst of 16 х 12 mm. Rectal examination: painless prostate of regular size. Diagnosis: testicular cyst in right testis. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), Hydrogel over right scrotum part 2-3 times a day during one month. Control ultrasound one month after treatment: less cyst size 1.2 х 0.9 cm. Treatment in progress.
      Male R.А., 36 y.o.
      Complaints of constant nagging pain in suprapubic area over 2 years, more intensive while seated. More pain, no relief after exercise. Normosthenic stature. Anamnesis: no inherited diseases, no bad habits. No medical advice before. Spasmolytics and analgesics taken. General condition: pain in suprapubic area in palpation, regularly developed genitals. Rectal examination: hard and painful prostate. Lab tests: no signs in inflammation in prostate, no sexually transmitted infections. Ultrasound: signs of congestion in prostate. Diagnosis: chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Prescription: physiotherapy, SCHALI– МF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). A new accelerated course during 15 days after a 10 days break. Less pelvic pain on day 5 of treatment. No more pain after 30 days course of treatment. Control rectal examination: some hardening in prostate, Control ultrasound: regular echogenicity and structure in prostate.
      Male Y.J., 36 y.o.
      Complaints of continuous strong erection over 4 hours, pain in penis. Symptom came after a massive alcohol consumption. No allergy. Anamnesis: no injuries, no surgeries, no tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted infections. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, sufficient diuresis, regular stool. Examination: blood inflow to cavernous tissues in penis, penis head and spongy tissues are not filled. Acute pain in penis, in palpation. Diagnosis: priapism. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, SCHALI-MF during day 1: 1 suppository every 4 hours. Since day 2: 1 suppository 2 times a day during 20 days. Better blood flow in penis after day 1 of medicamentous treatment. No more complaints after the course of SCHALI-MF suppositories.
      Male E.B., 39 y.o.
      Complaints of pain in perineum, difficult urination, unpleasant feeling in suprapubic area over 10 years. Regular medical advice and outpatient care. Anamnesis: chronic bacterial prostatitis. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, sufficient diuresis, regular stool. Rectal examination: enlarged prostate, tough, interlobar line is expressed, sites of hardening in palpation, flexible rectal mucosa over prostate. Lab tests: regular condition. Ultrasound: enlarged prostate of 31 cm 3, in both lobes, paraurethral calcifications of 0,6- 1,3 cm, peripheral fibrosis. Diagnosis: prostatic stone, chronic prostatitis. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break. One more course of SCHALI-MF suppositories during 30 days. Control ultrasound after treatment: less fibrosis, no more pain, better urination pattern.
      Male P.F., 49 y.o.
      Complaints of pain in right testicle, swelling. Anamnesisа: a 1.5 m stair fall and perineal bruise one day before. No allergy, no injuries, no surgeries, no tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted infections before. General condition: satisfactory, active lifestyle, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft and painless in all divisions, negative Blumberg’s sign, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Enlarged right testicle, bluish scrotum skin. Acute pain in right testicle, in palpation. Lab tests: high ESR 24 mm/h, complete urinalysis: regular condition. Ultrasound: rupture of testis, no hematoma Diagnosis: right testis contusion. Prescription: antibacterial therapy, SCHALI- MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Testicle of a regular size after one month treatment. No more pain. Control ultrasound: no structural abnormalities.
      Male G.G., 56 y.o.
      Complaints of difficult urination, low urine flow, splashing of urine. Anamnesis: urethral stricture over 10 years, regular urethral bougienage in outpatient care. No allergy. No injuries, no surgeries, no tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted infections before. General condition: satisfactory, active lifestyle, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft and painless in all divisions, negative Blumberg’s sign, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Diagnosis: urethral stricture. Prescription: SCHALI-MF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), urethral instillations with SCHALI CARE FLUID 1 time a day during 10 days. Significantly better urine flow, better urination pattern after treatment.
      Male N.K., 65 y.o.
      Complaints of frequent urge to urination, unpleasant feeling after urination and feeling of not empty bladder. Earlier diseases: prostatic hyperplasia over 10 years, surgery of benign hyperplasia one year ago. No allergy. No tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted infections. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, diuresis of 2.5 l a day. Regular stool. Lab tests: regular condition. Ultrasound: moderately enlarged prostate 30 cm3. Signs of fibrosis. Diagnosis: hyperactive bladder. Indication: SCHALI – MF Suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break. Less urge to urination, no more false urge to urination after treatment.
      Male A.P., 70 y.o.
      Complaints of low libido, rapid fatigue, low muscular tension, poor sleep. Symptoms developed slowly within 6 years. Anamnesis: No medical advice before. No treatment before. Low erection. No allergy. No injuries. Cholecystectomy 9 years ago. No tuberculosis, no sexually transmitted infections. General condition: satisfactory, active lifestyle, clear consciousness. Abdomen is soft and painless in all divisions. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, urination of 2 l a day. Regular stool. Total blood count: glucose 6.5 mmol/l, PSA 1.8, testosterone 3.4 nmol/l. Ultrasound: signs of prostate hyperplasia, rest urine 50 ml. Diagnosis: prostatic hyperplasia II G, androgenic insufficiency. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI-МF suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break. Better libido, more vital powers, better sleep after treatment.
  • MIInfectious and viral diseases

    • 1
      Male K.C., 32 y.o.
      Complaints of unpleasant feeling in urethra, scarce discharge from urethra over 5 days. Anamnesis: unprotected sex 3 weeks ago. No urological conditions before. Regular urological examinations. Earlier diseases: candidiasis, ureaplasmosis. Control examination after treatment showed no infection. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, urination is regular, regularly developed genitals, moderately hyperemic urethral external aperture. In rectal examination, prostate is of regular size, painless. PCR test: chlamydia infection, urethral wet mount: signs of inflammation, 10-12 leukocytes FOV. Urinalysis, prostate secretion test: regular condition. Diagnosis: chlamydial urethritis. Prescription: antibiotics, SCHALI– МI (one suppository two times a day during 20 days) as a part of complex therapy. No more symptoms on day 3 of treatment. Control wet mount on day 10: regular leukocytes number. Control tests to chlamydia on day 14 and day 30: no more infection.
      Male V.G., 23 y.o.
      Regular examination and lab tests detected STI (ureaplasma urealyticum in large titre) in both partners. No complaints, no STI before, no unprotected casual sex. No signs of inflammation in wet mount. Urinalysis, prostate secretion tests: no pathological signs. Ultrasound: kidneys, bladder, prostate – regular condition. Diagnosis: ureaplasma infection. Prescription: antibiotics, SCHALI– МI (one suppository two times a day during 20 days) as a part of complex therapy. On day 15, SCHALI® Care–МI Aseptic Spray instillation of 5 ml with 3 min exposure, totally 5 instillations. After treatment, no more complaints. No infection in control PCR tests on day 14 and day 30.
      Male О.K., 38 y.o.
      Complaints of urethral discharge and mucus, extremely painful urination, painful sensation in urethra over 2 weeks. First signs of unpleasant sensations turned to worse. No medical advice, no treatment before. Anamnesis: chlamydia infections 4 years ago and 1 year ago. Control test results were normal. His wife was treated for bacterial vaginosis and mycoplasma infection one month ago. Male patient wasn’t treated at that time. Now his general condition is normal, hyperaemia in penis head and foreskin, conglutination in urethra opening, discharge. Tests showed signs of inflammation, 12-15 leukocytes FOV. PCR test: mycoplasma hominis. Prostate secretion test: regular condition. Diagnosis: urethritis, mycoplasma infection. Prescription: appropriate antibiotics, SCHALI®–МI Suppositories (one suppository two times a day during 20 days). Control test on day 15 showed no inflammation in urethra. SCHALI® Care–МI Aseptic Spray instillation of 5 ml with 3 min exposure, totally 5 instillations. Control PCR tests twice on day 14 and day 30: no mycoplasma infection.
      Male A.I., 20 y.o.
      Complaints of conglutination in urethral spongy tissues in the morning over three months, strong discharge after alcohol consumption, extremely painful urination. No medical advice before. First signs appeared within three days after unprotected sex. Examination shows slight hyperemia in urethral spongy tissues, some turbid sticky discharge after suppression. Urinalysis (2 portions): generally transparent urine with some flakes. Bacterial test: trichomonas infection. Prostate secretion test: regular condition. Diagnosis: trichomoniasis. Prescription: appropriate antibiotics against trichomonas, immunomodulators and SCHALI®–МI Suppositories (two times a day during 20 days). On day 15, SCHALI® Care –МI Aseptic Antiseptic Spray instillation of 5 ml to urethra with a 3 min exposure, totally 5 instillations. Control PCR tests on day 14, on day 30, and finally gono-vaccine provoked after one month of the end of treatment showed no more trichomonas infection.
      Male G.K., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of abundant purulent discharge from urethra. Unprotected sex 2 weeks ago. After 5 days thereinafter, acute pain while urinating. General condition: satisfactory, regularly developed genitals, hyperemic urethra, free abundant purulent discharge. Urinalysis: first portion is turbid, second portion is transparent and clear. Urethral wet mount: gonococci. PCR test: gonococcus. Diagnosis: acute gonococcal urethritis. Prescription: i/m injection of cephalosporin antibiotics, azithromycin for 3 days, SCHALI– МI (one suppository two times a day) as a part of complex therapy. After treatment, no more complaints, no infection in control PCR test on day 14 after treatment and after one month after treatment gono-vaccine provoked.
      Male K.B., 22 y.o.
      Complaints of hyperemic inner layer of foreskin and penis head mucosae over 7 days. Symptoms came after unprotected sex. After 2 days: plaque over penis head and itching. Anamnesis: ureaplasma infection 18 months ago, successfully treated, control examination showed no more infection. No constant sexual partner. Penis head wet mount shows cocci and key cells, leukocytes 40-50 FOV, PCR test detected Gardnerella infection. Bacterial test: Staphylococcus aureus 106. Urethral wet mount: no inflammation. Complete urinalysis: regular condition. Diagnosis: Gardnerella infection. Bacterial balanoposthitis. Prescription: SCHALI-MI suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 20 days), SCHALI Smart Antivurus-MI Spray over penis head 2 times a day during 10 days. Less symptoms after day 2 of treatment. Regular condition of penis head mucosa on day 5 of treatment. Control examination: no more infection.
      Male V.B., 37 y.o.
      Сomplaints of rash on inner layer of foreskin and penis head mucosae, vesicles erupt and result in ulcers, itching over 8 days, one week after unprotected casual sex. General condition: rash, hyperemia, swelling, ulcers. No leukocytes in penis head wet mount. PCR test: herpes simplex virus II. Urinalysis: regular condition. Diagnosis: herpesvirus infection. Prescription: SCHALI ® SMART Antivirus Hydrogel (over affected skin 3 times a day during 10 days). Less rash after two days of treatment. No more itching. No more rash on day 7 of treatment.
      Male S.K., 28 y.o.
      Сomplaints of hyperemia, itching, plaque on penis head and foreskin immediately after intercourse with his wife over 1 year. His wife was under gynaecological observation, no pathological signs detected, lab tests were regular. General condition: hyperemic and swollen forehead and penis head, rough mucosa in foreskin. Penis head wet mount: high leukocytes, cocci, yeast. Bacterial test: candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus. Urinalysis: regular condition. Diagnosis: candidal balanoposthitis. Prescription: SCHALI ® SMART Antivirus Hydrogel (over foreskin and penis head mucosae 3 times a day during 7 days). No more complaints after 5 days of treatment. Control tests on day 10: low leukocytes, low bacterial contamination, no yeast. Recommended: apply hydrogel over penis head and vulva in his wife before sex during 2-3 months. No recurrent infection after 6 months observation.
      Male V.V., 22 y.o.
      Сomplaints of excessive rash on foreskin over 2 months. Rash is the same over 2 months, periodic itching. No similar complaints before, regular sexual life, regular intimate hygiene. General condition: papillomatous petechial rash of 2 cm2 on inner layer of foreskin, no hyperemia, no discharge. Urethral wet mount: regular condition. PCR test: type XVI papillomavirus. Urinalysis: regular condition. Diagnosis: papillomavirus infection, multiple papillomas on penis head. Prescription: SCHALI ® SMART Antivirus Hydrogel over penis head 3 times a day during 30 days. Significantly less rash after one month treatment, just few papillomas of less size left, that were removed by laser light.
      Male, F.N., 20 y.o.
      Сomplaints of rash over penis head, small red spots appear and disappear within 3-5 days without treatment. Provoking factor may be visit to a swimming pool (also taking shower in the pool). No unprotected sex. Regular intimate hygiene. Earlier, no sexually transmitted infections. Prostate wet mount showed regular values. Bacterial contamination test detected epidermal staphylococcus. Diagnosis: streptococcal infection. Prescription: SCHALI® SMART Antivirus Hydrogel locally (spread over penis head three times a day, also before swimming pool visit and after shower). No more complaints within 3 months of observation.
      Male A.I., 66 y.o.
      Сomplaints of redness, ulcer, purulent discharge from penis head in urination. Anamnesis: cicatricial phimosis surgery one month ago. No diabetes. Blood glucose: regular values. General condition: hyperemic penis head, poorly healed postsurgical wound of 2 cm in frenulum, uneven edges, purulent discharge. Treatment with antibiotics, antifungal drugs, topically: potassium permanganate solution and antimicrobial ointment. Wound bacterial test: Staphylococcus epidermidis. Diagnosis: bacterial (streptococcal) balanoposthitis, postsurgical penis head wound. Prescription: SCHALI ® SMART Antivirus Hydrogel (over penis head 3 times a day during 14 days). Less complaints and better would healing on day 2 of treatment. No more purulent discharge, less swelling. Wound is generally healed in secondary intention on day 14 of treatment, no more hyperemia in penis head, no more complaints.
      Male V.B., 45 y.o.
      Сomplaints of hyperemia in penis head, small red rash over 3 days, after sex. Similar symptoms came before, but ceased during one day without treatment. More complaints over last 3 days. Anamnesis: no chronical conditions, no injuries, no surgeries, no STI. No inherited diseases. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, hyperemic penis head, erosions of 3-4 mm. Penis head wet mount, bacterial test: yeast, candida albicans. Diagnosis: candidal balanitis. Prescription: SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 15 days), SCHALI spray over penis head 2 times a day during 7 days. No more complaints on day 3 of treatment. Control lab tests show no infection.
      Male G.K., 23 y.o.
      Сomplaints of itching, unpleasant feeling in penis head and foreskin. Hyperemia and white plaque. First signs came without sexual contact, but after irregular intimate hygiene. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, hyperemic penis head and foreskin, cheesy plaque. Penis head wet mount, bacterial test: yeast, cocci, staphylococcus aureus in large titre. Diagnosis: bacterial balanoposthitis, candida infection. Prescription: SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 15 days), SCHALI Spray over penis head 2 times a day during 7 days. Significantly better general condition on day 4 of treatment, no more complaints. Control tests: no infection.
      Male V.В., 21 y.o.:
      Сomplaints of sharp pain while urinating, itching in urethra, scares purulent discharge from urethra over 3 days. No medical advice, no treatment before. Unprotected casual sex 7 days ago. No STI before. Anamnesis: no injuries, no surgeries. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, head is clear, urethral opening is regular. Lab tests, urethral wet mount, urinalysis (1 portion): signs of inflammation. PCR test: gonococci. Diagnosis: gonorrheal urethritis. Prescription: antibiotics, 1g azithromycin, SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 15 days). No more complaints on day 2 of treatment. Control lab tests: no more infection.
      Male N.J., 64 y.o.
      Сomplaints of hyperemia, swelling and pain in penis, fever of 38 0С over 2 days. Acute condition. Anamnesis: bladder catheter (Foley catheter) is installed 2 weeks ago due to acute urinary retention. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, difficult and painful urination, regular stool. Enlarged swollen penis, acute hyperemia, sharp pain in palpation. Ultrasound: signs of inflammation in cavernous tissues, no abscess. Diagnosis: cavernitis. Prescription: antibacterial drugs, SCHALI- MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 20 days), SCHALI Hydrogel over penis 2 times a day during 7 days. General condition after 20 days of treatment: satisfactory. Lab tests: regular values.
      Male М.N., 32 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain during ejaculation, bloody sperm, difficult urination over 10 days. No medical advice, no treatment before. Anamnesis: no allergy, no injuries, no surgeries, no tuberculosis, no STI. General condition: satisfactoryо, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Blumberg’s sign. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, urination is difficult, stool is regular. Urethral wet mount, urinalysis (1 portion): signs of inflammation. Bacterial test: ureaplasma infection detected. Prostate secretion test: signs of inflammation, 35-40 leukocytes FOV. Ultrasound: hyperechogenic sites in urethral prostate. Diagnosis: chronic colluculitis in acute stage. Prescription: antibacterial drugs, SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition after one month treatment. Lab tests: regular values.
      Male А.A., 28 y.o.
      Сomplaints of nagging pain in scrotum, irradiating to groin, low urine flow over 1 month. Anamnesis: candidiasis 5 years ago, fully recovered. Sitting position over day, irregular sexual life. No allergy, no injuries, no surgeries, no tuberculosis, no STI. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Blumberg’s sign. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, urination is difficult, stool is regular. Urethral wet mount, urinalysis (1 portion): no signs of inflammation. No STI defected. Prostate secretion test: signs of inflammation, 35-40 leukocytes FOV. Bacterial test: E. coli in large titre. Ultrasound: enlarged prostate upto 26 cm 3, small sites of fibrosis. Diagnosis: chronic bacterial prostatitis in acute phase. Prescription: antibacterial drugs, SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition after one month treatment. Lab tests: regular values.
      Male C.K., 45 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain in right testis, swelling, fever of 38.40С, shiver over 3 days. Acute condition after overcooling. Worse symptoms. Anamnesis: no injuries, no surgeries, no STI. No inherited diseases. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, right testis is enlarged, hyperemic skin, acute pain in palpation. In rectal examination: prostate is of regular size, moderately painful. Urethral wet mount, urinalysis (1 portion): signs of inflammation. Ultrasound: diffusive inflammation in right testis. Diagnosis: acute orchitis in right testis, spermatic cord blockade. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition after one month treatment. No more pathological signs in control ultrasound. Lab tests: regular values.
      Male J.Е., 30 y.o.
      Сomplaints of pain in left scrotum part in walk, pain in left testis in palpation over 4 days. No other complaints. Anamnesis: no injuries, no surgeries, no STI. No inherited diseases. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, moderately tough prostate, not enlarged, interlobar notch is regularly expressed. Lab tests: regular condition. Hardening and painfulness in left testis in palpation, prostate is regular. Ultrasound: left-sided epididymal cyst, appendage is enlarged, with high echogenicity. Diagnosis: left-sided epididymitis. Prescription: SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition after one month treatment. No more pathological signs in control ultrasound. Lab tests: regular values.
      Male S.С., 29 y.o.
      Сomplaints of bloody sperm over 3 ejaculations. No other complaints. Anamnesis: acute prostatitis 3 years ago, completely recovered, two control tests showed regular values, no more complaints since then. General condition: satisfactory, abdomen is soft and painless, negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals, moderately tough prostate, not enlarged, interlobar notch is regularly expressed. Lab tests: regular condition. Ultrasound: enlarged seminal vesicles, signs of inflammation. Diagnosis: chronic vesiculitis. Prescription: SCHALI-MІ suppositories (one suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition after one month treatment. No more signs of inflammation in control ultrasound.
  • MRMale Reproductive System Dysfunction

    • 1
      Male К.F., 32 y.o.
      Complaints of inability of conceiving over 3 years without contraception. His wife is healthy: no gynaecological, no endocrinal disorders. Anamnesis: rubella, Hepatitis A in his childhood. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals. No sexually transmitted infections detected. Complete urinalysis, biochemical blood test, thyroid hormones, male sex hormones: regular condition. Prostate secretion test: leukocytes 3-4 FOV. Spermogram: low number of spermatozoids - max 23 million in ejaculate, low active movement (21%). Diagnosis: Secretory infertility. Prescription: vitamins, plant stimulators, SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 14 days break for 20 more days. Regular spermogram values after treatment.
      Male V.В., 28 y.o.
      Complaints of unpleasant feeling in perineum, low libido, premature ejaculation over 3 months. Symptoms appear and disappear. No medical advice, no treatment before. General condition: satisfactory. In palpation, pain in perineum and groin. Abdomen is soft and painless. Regular urination, regular stool. Regularly developed genitals. Prostate wet mount: high leukocytes 60 FOV. Ultrasound: signs of chronic prostatitis. Spermogram: low number of spermatozoids - max 19 million in ejaculate, low a+b movement (32%). Diagnosis: Chronic bacterial prostatitis. Excretory infertility. Prescription: medicamentous treatment, SCHALI- MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days).Higher movement 60%, normozoospermia in spermogram after treatment.
      Male Т. T., 28 y.o.
      Complaints of periodic nagging pain in left scrotum part, no children after 5 years marriage and 3 years without contraception. First signs of pain were 18 months ago, treated with analgesics. No medical advice before. General condition: satisfactory. Anamnesis: appendectomy 10 years ago. Abdomen is soft and painless. Pain in left groin area, in palpation. Abdomen is soft and painless. Regular urination, regular stool. Bacterial test: chlamydia infection. Spermogram: low spermatozoid activity (max 5 % active movement, 13 % low movement). Antisperm antibodies test: positive. Ultrasound: signs of left-sided chronic epididymitis. Diagnosis: Chronic epididymitis.Autoimmune infertility. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, SCHALI-MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Higher movement 60%, normozoospermia in spermogram after treatment.
      Male D.T., 25 y.o.
      Complaints of frequent urination, pain in suprapubic area over 12 months. Symptoms appear and disappear. In outpatient care, relief after antibacterial therapy. Worse condition now. Male patient is aware of SCHALI suppositories and asks for medical advice. Anamnesis: no inherited diseases, no surgeries, no injuries, no sexually transmitted infections. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Ultrasound: signs of chronic prostatitis. Urinalysis: leukocytes 30-40 FOV. Prostate secretion test: 60-70 leukocytes FOV. Bacterial test: colon bacillus 5 х10 3. Antisperm antibodies test: positive. Spermogram: low movement (12%), sperm agglutination +++, 22 million in ejaculate. Diagnosis: chronic prostatitis in acute phase. Combined (excretory and autoimmune) infertility. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, SCHALI-MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). No more pain, regular urination after treatment. Control spermogram: normozoospermia.
      Male L.K., 34 y.o.
      Sent by gynaecologist for examination on infertility after his wife’s complaints of no conceiving. Married for 8 years, no children after 2 years without contraception. Wife’s earlier diseases: Salpingoophoritis, Candidiasis, Ovarian cyst, now is healthy. Male’s anamnesis: chlamydia infection 10 years ago. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Biochemical blood test, blood hormones test: regular condition. No pathological signs. Spermogram: total spermatozoid number in ejaculate - 43 million, in 1 ml – 14 million. Diagnosis: Infertility. Oligozoospermia. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break for another month. Control spermogram: total spermatozoid number in ejaculate - 78 million, in 1 ml – 21 million.
      Male S.С., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of inability of conceiving over 6 months without contraception. His wife is under gynaecological observation. Anamnesis: low spermatozoid activity in spermogram. No medical advice before. No treatment before. No inherited diseases, no surgeries, no injuries, no sexually transmitted infections. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Lab tests: regular condition. Ultrasound: fibrotic signs in prostate. Spermogram: active movement -11%, low movement – 19 %. Diagnosis: Infertility. Asthenozoospermia. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break for another month. Control spermogram: active movement -42%, low movement – 36 %.
      Male S.С., 24 y.o.
      No complaints, regular examination. Anamnesis: no inherited diseases, no surgeries, no injuries, no sexually transmitted infections. No chronic conditions in his family. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Lab tests: no sexually transmitted infections detected. Biochemical blood test, blood hormones test: regular condition. Ultrasound: left epididymal cyst. Spermogram: high dead spermatozoid number - 69%. Diagnosis: Infertility. Necrospermia. Prescription: monotherapy with SCHALI MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break for another month. Control spermogram: alive spermatozoids in ejaculate - 74%, dead spermatozoids in ejaculate - 26%.
      Male D.Y., 25 y.o.
      Sent by his wife’s gynaecologist for examination on infertility, his wife’s is healthy. No complaints. Anamnesis: herpes genitalis 6 months ago, fully recovered, control PCR test: negative. Male patient takes now hormonal and steroid drugs for high muscular mass. No chronic conditions. No surgeries, no injuries, no sexually transmitted infections. No inherited diseases. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft and painless. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides. Regular urination, regular stool. Lab tests: regular condition. Ultrasound: no pathological signs. Spermogram: high pathological forms - 71%. Diagnosis: Infertility. Teratozoospermia. Recommended: slowly lowering daily dose of hormonal drugs to 0. Prescription: medicamentous treatment, SCHALI MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), repeated after a 15 days break for another month. Control spermogram: healthy spermatozoids in ejaculate - 53%, pathological spermatozoids in ejaculate - 47%.
      Male R.S., 43 y.o.
      Complaints of low libido, low erection, less intensive orgasm. No pain, regular urination. Symptoms came 6 months ago, progressing condition. No sexually transmitted infections before, no medical advice before. No surgeries, no injuries, no chronic conditions, no bad habits. Symptoms came probably after strong stress. General condition: regularly developed genitals. Regular skin and mucosa condition. Lymph nodes are of regular size. Prostate is moderately hard. Ultrasound, blood hormones test: regular condition. Wet mount: regular condition, no infection detected. Prostate secretion test: 2-4 leukocytes, low lecithin grains. Diagnosis: psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Prescription: SCHALI - MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Significantly better condition after one month treatment: erection in the morning, high libido, better sexual life. Better self-control in stressful situations. No more complaints in control examination after 6 months. No more drugs over last 5 months.
      Male S.I., 29 y.o.
      Complaints of no sexual desire, apathy over 5 months. Anamnesis: family crisis. Divorced. Bad habits: alcohol, drugs. High somatic gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms. In outpatient care. General condition: satisfactory. Negative Pasternatsky’s sign in both sides, regularly developed genitals, prostate is moderately enlarged and hard. Urinalysis: 6-8 leukocytes, agglomerates of 30 FOV. Prostate secretion test: 25-30 leukocytes FOV. Diagnosis: Chronic bacterial prostatitis. Low sexual desire. Prescription: SCHALI - MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Better libido after three weeks of treatment with suppositories.
      Male L.M., 26 y.o.
      Complaints of low pleasure in sex. Anamnesis: no sexual experience. Probably, problems in family, wrong sexual education, problems with peers, lack of parental support and attention. No friends in his childhood. General condition: satisfactory, normosthenic stature, regularly developed genitals. Diagnosis: psychogenic sexual disorder. Lack of sexual pleasure. Advice by sexologist. Prescription: SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days), psychological aid. Slightly more sexual pleasure after the course of treatment.
      Male R.Р., 42 y.o.
      Complaints of low erection, sometimes no erection at all. Single. Nocturnal emission, wet dream since the age of 13–14. Sexual life since the age of 20, irregular. Intercourse of 3–5 min, more prolonged after alcohol intake and repeated. Irregular sexual life over 10 years. His last girlfriend is 26 y.o. Very excited before sex with her, fears of failure. Erection disappeared in the last moment. The same result in course of several attempts. General condition: regularly developed genitals. No neurological disorders. No pathological signs in genitals. Diagnosis: sexual arousal disturbance. Erectile dysfunction. Prescription: SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Strong erection after one week of treatment.
      Male M.M., 70 y.o.
      Complaints of erectile dysfunction, no erection. Last sexual contact was 3–4 months ago. Previously, sexual contacts were once in 1–2 months with low erection. Premature ejaculation after 30 sec or inability to ejaculate, erection decreased after 3–5 min. His wife is 61 y.o., not interested in sexual life, however helps him in manual stimulation. Sexual dysfunction was progressed over 8-10 years. In outpatient care due to total and cerebral atherosclerosis, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, coronary heart disease, hypertension, treated with vascular, anti-arteriosclerotic, antihypertensive drugs. Diagnosis: Impotence. Prescription: SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Spontaneous adequate erections after treatment.
      Male M.M., 30 y.o.
      Complaints of erectile dysfunction, rare orgasm. Sexual contacts: 4–5 times a week. Duration of sexual contact: 7 min. His wife experiences orgasm nearly in each coitus, generally 2–3 orgasms in one intercourse. Married since the age of 20, 2 children of 7 and 9 y.o. More intensive sexual life during first years of marriage, repeated intercourses. His wise has less sexual demand that is generally met currently. No problem in relationship. No somatic, no psychiatric conditions. Medium-sized penis. Diagnosis: Orgasm disturbance. Bradyorgasmia. Advice by sexologist. Prescription: SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Regular orgasm after treatment.
      Male D.D., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of less intensive orgasm, low orgasm. Nocturnal emission, wet dream since the age of 13. Single. No sexual experience. Anxious-hypochondriac mood. Masturbation since the age of 14–16. One attempt of sexual contact failed at the age of 17-18 due to strong alcoholic intoxication. Disregarded that failure first. Then, with years, male patient came to a conclusion that his sexual dysfunction was related to active masturbation. Generally communicative, but hypochondriac. Regularly developed genitals. Signs of congestion in prostate. No neurological conditions. Diagnosis: congestive prostatitis, hypoorgasmia. Prescription: SCHALI - MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Significantly better condition after one month treatment, more intensive orgasm, more confidence.
      Male M.M., 27 y.o.
      Complaints of no orgasm. Duration of intercourse: 10–20 min, no orgasm. Intercourses: 3–5 times a week. Married about one year. His wife is one year younger. No problems in relationship. Male patient is worried about no orgasm. Slowly progressing condition. First, orgasm was less intensive, then disappeared throughout one year, probably after stress in his office. Rapid fatigue, poor sleep, lack of rest, low productivity, depression over 18 months. No urological, no neurological conditions. Diagnosis: Orgasm disturbance, anorgasmia. Prescription: medicamentous therapy, psychological aid, SCHALI – MR Suppositories (two times a day during 30 days). Significantly better emotional state and sexual pleasure after the course of treatment.
      Male I.K., 26 y.o.
      Complaints of premature ejaculation over 18 months. Progressive condition. No treatment before. Male patient used anaesthetic condoms to improve situation. Male patient is in a stable partnership now. Socialized and wealthy. Before appearance of the symptoms, male patient had occasional sexual partners, no injuries, no surgery. Examination and test: no phimosis, penis head and foreskin are normal, normal lymphonodi, normal prostate of moderate thickness. Urethral wet mount: 3-4 leukocytes, mixed microflora, scarce. Regular condition. PCR test: no sexually transmitted infections. Total blood count, urinalysis, prostate secretion test: 5-6 leukocytes, numerous lecithin grains. Prostate ultrasonography showed moderate enlargement of V=24cm3, signs of congestion. Diagnosis: nonbacterial prostatitis, premature ejaculation. Prescriptions: prostate massage (10 sessions), SCHALI®-MR Suppositories (two times a day during 20 days). General condition improved and on day 6, patient had sex, which duration was better controlled. On day 10, no more anxious expectation during sex. On day 20, sexual function is restored fully. Male patient was recommended to repeat the course of SCHALI®-MR Suppositories for best results.
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  • MGGastrointestinal tract diseases, Hepatology, Proctology

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      Male B.A., 39 y.o.
      Complaints of acute pain in epigastric area over 4 months. First signs came 6 months ago with pain 1.5-2 h after meal 2-3 times a week, lasting 30-60 min, sometimes irradiating to right hypochondrium. Some relief after meal. No vomiting, no blood in stool. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is painful in epigastrium. Negative Blumberg’s sign. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy: stomach lumen is medium in size, mucosa is rose, stomach angle is not changed, moderate amount of mucus in lumen, active peristalsis. Pylorus gaping, an ulcer of 0.4 cm is in pyloric canal near lesser curvature under fibrin. Helicobacter pylori test: negative. Diagnosis: peptic ulcer. Prescription: antacids, SCHALI–MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. No more antacids after 3 weeks of treatment. Better general condition, no complaints after one month treatment. Control FGDS: ulcer is healed.
      Male O.A., 19 y.o.
      Complaints of paroxysmal abdominal pain, belching, heartburn after meal. Anamnesis: appendectomy 5 years ago, Crohn’s disease after biopsy. General condition: satisfactory, low body mass index (weight: 57.7 kg, height: 166 cm). Moderate pain in epigastric area. Brown stool 3-4 times a day, sometimes with blood. Coprogram: high fatty acids, high mucus, leukocytes 20 FOV, high yeast. Ultrasound: pelvic organs and kidney of regular condition. Endoscopy: numerous erosions in antral division, erosive follicular reflux esophagitis I G., biopsy of gastric mucosa. Н.pylori test: positive. Rectoromanoscopy: rectal crack. Irrigoscopy: constriction of gut of 4 cm is detected 5cm from bauhinias flap, wall contours are rigid, clear, uneven. Conclusion: Crohn’s disease, localisation in distal ileum. Diagnosis: Crohn’s disease, terminal ileitis. Rectal crack. Erosive Нр-positive gastritis, high acidity. Prescription: Salofalk (mesalamine) for 24 days, Quamatel, Duspatalin, Enteral, de-Nol, Maalox, SCHALI– suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Control X-ray: enteritis and hypermotoric type dyskinesia in small intestine. No more pain, second course of SCHALI– FG suppositories is prescribed. Treatment in progress.
      Male P.A., 22 y.o.
      Complaints of loose stool, sometimes with blood and mucus, acute pain in lower abdomen before stool. Low appetite, dry mouth. Anamnesis: nonspecific ulcerative colitis diagnosed 4 years ago. No surgeries, no allergy. Bad habits: smoking. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft, slightly painful in transverse colon and sigmoid colon areas. Negative Blumberg’s sign. Colonoscopy: bauhinias mucosa flap is not disturbed, mucosa in left colon part is significantly hyperemic, oedematous, multiple erosions, ulcers of 0.2 - 0.3 cm on walls of left colon part, transverse colon mucosa is hyperemic, mucosa in left part of ascending colon is affected. Conclusion: chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis, moderately active. Diagnosis: ulcerative colitis, moderately active. Prescription: diet, SCHALI– MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Less pain, regular stool 2 times a day. In outpatient care.
      Male R.М., 56 y.o.
      Complaints of nagging pain in right hypochondrium, irradiating to epigastrium and under right blade, especially after fatty, spicy or fried meal, usually for 30-120 min, relieving after no-Spa or Allochol pills. Also complaints of low inching in palm after fatty meal. Symptoms came 4 years ago. General condition: satisfactory, pain in right hypochondrium, in palpation. Irregular stool. AST- 17 IU to 30 IU, ALT – 25 IU to 30 IU. ECG: sinus, rhythmic, regular condition. Ultrasound: bladder is regular in size, of irregular shape, thick walls, no stones. Liver is slightly enlarged, even contours, moderate signs of fatty dystrophy in parenchyma. Intra - and extrahepatic bile ducts are in regular condition. Diagnosis: chronic cholecystitis in acute phase. Hypotonic biliary dyskinesia. Prescription: diet, SCHALI–MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Less pain and no more itching after treatment.
      Male M.M., 28 y.o.
      Complaints of headache, rapid, fatigue, unpleasant feeling in right hypochondrium, low appetite, yellow skin. Anamnesis: reaction to constant contact to pesticides over 6 years. General condition: yellow skin, scleral icterus. Abdomen is bloated, anterior abdominal wall is regular. Painful and enlarged liver, in palpation, 3 cm out of costal arch. Spleen in regular condition. No signs of inflammation in pelvis. Total blood count: Hb — 110 g/l, leukocytes-8,1 х109l, ESR — 30 mm/h, bilirubin — 65 mkmol/l, glucose — 6,3 mmol/l. Diagnosis: chronic toxic hepatitis. Recommended: new job. Prescription: diet, SCHALI–MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Better general condition after 2 weeks of treatment, no more pain, no fatigue, regular skin colour.
      Male K.H., 48 y.o.
      Complaints of acute pain in right hypochondrium with no relation to meal, mostly in the evening, remaining after meal and relieving after spasmolytics. Fist signs came 6 months ago after psychoemotional stress. Rapid overweight, high alcohol consumption. Besalol and no-Spa taken. General condition: no fever, excited – irritated mood, asthenic stature. No pathological signs in both respiratory system and cardiovascular system. AT: 140/80 mmHg. Tongue: clear, wet. Soft abdomen. In palpation, pain in right hypochondrium. No irritation in gallbladder. Liver is enlarged by 4 cm, spleen is regular in size. Prone to constipation. Ultrasound: liver – right segment of 168 mm. Left segment of 93 mm. Clear and even edges, echo-structure is non-homogenous, fatty dystrophy. Echo—density is slightly high. Intrahepatic ducts are regular. Portal vein is 12 mm. Lower full vein is not enlarged. Gallbladder is oval, 42*26 mm, hardening of 4 mm in walls, homogenous, no stones. Common bile duct is 4 mm. Pancreas: head of 19 mm, tail of 21 mm. Contours are clear, even. Diagnosis: hepatic steatosis, biliary dyskinesia. Prescription: diet, SCHALI– MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Less pain, no more complaints of dyspepsia.
      Male S.D., 49 y.o.
      Complaints of irregular paroxysmal abdominal pain. Under medical supervision over 5 years, totally 3 surgeries due to acute intestinal obstruction, last surgery was 4 months ago. Anamnesis: chronic pelvic adhesive disease. General condition: satisfactory, negative Blumberg’s sign, umbilical abdomen in moderate painful, constipation. Diagnosis: pelvic adhesive disease. Prescription: anti-inflammatory drugs, ferment agents, SCHALI– MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). No more pain, regular stool.
      Male S.L., 31 y.o.
      Complaints of moderate pain in umbilical abdomen, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, weakness, fatigue over one month. Anamnesis: chlamydia infection treated with antibiotics. No medical advice before, no treatment before. General condition: satisfactory, asthenic stature. Abdomen is soft, painful in epigastric and umbilical areas. Negative Blumberg’s sign. Constipation. Coprogram and biochemical feces test: enterocolitis. Prescription: diet, ferment agents, SCHALI–MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Significantly better general condition, no more complaints, regular stool.
      Male K.A., 35 y.o.
      Complaints of constipation, solid stool, tension while defecating over one year. Anamnesis: stool is highly related to meal. In outpatient care over 18 months due to degenerative disc disease of the thoracic and cervical spine. Regular antibiotics to treat respiratory system disorders. No allergic reactions. Bad habits: smoking, alcohol. General condition: no pathological signs. Blood test and urinalysis: regular condition. Fecal occult blood test: no pathological signs. Prescription: diet, SCHALI– MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days). Regular stool after treatment.
      Male S.U., 44 y.o.
      Complaints of periodic pain in left hypochondrium and epigastric area 30-40 min after meal, bloated abdomen, irregular stool up to 2-3 times a day over 4 years. High caloric and fatty meal. Anamnesis: chronic pancreatitis diagnosed 2 years ago. In outpatient care with pancreatic drugs. Reaction to drugs: bloating, signs of constipation, less abdominalgia. Constipation treated with laxatives, pain treated with antisecretory drugs. Diagnosis: chronic pancreatitis in acute phase. Prescription: pro-digestive drugs, SCHALI–MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. No more pain in abdomen, regular stool. General condition is satisfactory after treatment.
      Male B.V., 20 y.o.
      Complaints of heartburn, constipation, pain in epigastrium 1-2 h after meal, more intensive in the evening and night time, relieving after milk. No bad habits. No allergy. Family anamnesis: father is suffering from peptic ulcer. First symptoms came one year ago. No medical advice before. Worse condition as above over 2 weeks. General condition: satisfactory. Abdomen is soft, moderately painful in epigastric area in palpation. EGDS: mucosa is luminous in antrum, fibrin-coated, oedematous, hyperemic, single hemorrhage in mucosa. Diagnosis: chronic gastritis in acute phase. Prescription: antibiotics during 10 days, SCHALI– MG suppositories (1 suppository 2 times a day during 30 days) as a part of complex therapy. Significantly better condition, no more complaints.
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    • Can SMC SCHALI® innovation product help me to improve my sport results?
      SMC SCHALI® innovation product is intended to improve serotonin balance, resulting in faster muscular recreation and regenerative processes, and better vital functions. It’s crucial to professional athletes, who are prone to strong physical exertion every day, as it helps in keeping the muscles protected from overstain and trauma. Besides, the well-balanced serotonin level is beneficial to metabolic processes and blood supply in problem sites, relieving pain syndromes, muscular tension and pains effectively.
      For 6 months, I have been feeling exhausted, can hardly concentrate on my job, feel less power as before. Can SMC SCHALI® help me?
      SMC SCHALI® innovation product will help you to restore your normal serotonin level and to get back both your efficiency and mental activity. Wear SMC SCHALI® for at least 30 days without interruption.
      Can your product help against weather-related headaches and high arterial tension?
      Meteosensitivity may grow due to age-related changes in cardiovascular system condition. We recommend to wear SMC SCHALI® innovation product regularly to keep normal both your serotonin balance and arterial tension.
      Can I use SMC SCHALI® against spinal pains, if I already take analgesics?
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      Can SMC SCHALI® improve kids’ attention and concentration?
      Kids 6 years of age and older may wear SMC SCHALI® innovation product. SMC SCHALI® is beneficial to integral functions (such as behaviour, sleep, memory, nutrition habits etc.) during phase of intensive growth. Well-balanced serotonin level in kids results in better power of observation, concentration, attention, memorability, activeness, which may contribute to less dependence on internet and gadgets.
      Is SMC SCHALI® effective against osteochondritis and other unpleasant symptoms during a long-distance travel?
      SMC SCHALI® innovation product is intended to normalize serotonin level and improve metabolic processes in tissues, resulting in fast and effective relief from symptoms of travel sickness and headache. Besides, normalized level of serotonin contributes to better blood circulation, which might be affected during the forced position while seated for a long time. We recommend you wearing SMC SCHALI® regularly, to alleviate muscular tensions and pains in osteochondrosis conditions.
    • 1
      Т.А., 44 y.o., Doctor:
      My job can be pretty stressful both emotionally and mentally. Last year I clearly noticed symptoms of fatigue, low productivity, pure power of concentration and memory. I also had problems with my sleep. After a week of wearing the necklace, I realized that my vital energy was back, my sleep turned to normal again. I became efficient, smart and cheerful as earlier. No more stress symptoms at all.
      G.M., 34 y.o., Manager:
      Last year I had a lot of stress in my office which resulted then in a real burnout: I felt very tired, stressed, sleepy in the day-time, I couldn’t sleep in the night, I nearly had no more sex. The first stable effect of the necklace I mentioned after 10-12 hours. After I couple of days I removed the necklace, and the effect was gone slowly, within 12 hours. Then I used to wear the necklace for a long time continuously, after 3 months of wearing I made a break. The effect remained for long. I felt confident, very motivated and was generally in good mood. I retained control even in very stressful situations like everlasting traffic jams, “crazy” people, annoying noise, everyday problems etc.). Generally, my emotional condition is now much better. Old stress and emotional pressure, which I used to feel before, were gone in fully. I feel now healthier, stronger and more open.
      O.B., 50 y.o., Director:
      I experienced the very first effect in physiological terms: my libido improved (especially, first 2-3 weeks of wearing the necklace). I felt me physically stronger, also in relation to alcohol. I could better manage stress. Generally, I felt me better, stronger, and smarter. I can also mention ability of focusing on and keeping a lot of information in memory for a long time. I believe, I’m now more unbiased, rational and productive in decision-making.
      S.I., 30 y.o., Accountant:
      I have to find solutions to many professional issues every day. Sometimes, it was really difficult and I brought that job stress to home. I felt tension in my muscles, was often grumpy and in a bad mood. I felt me totally in stress, so that I hardly could take care of myself out of the office. Two weeks of application resulted in better sleep, more vigour and I generally felt me better and more confident. Now I can control any stressful situation, I can keep calm, can focus on the real problem, think over and find a solution.


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